View Full Version : divorce stress

02-08-15, 19:04
Getting really stressed over this.my X wants a divorce which is fine but im not working and cant aford to pay for it..does anyone know if its free if you are on ESA unemployment bennefits.

02-08-15, 19:16
If you can come to an agreement on everything then if she sees a solicitor for the divorce then you may be able to sign without seeing a solicitor. Maybe if you ring citizens advise they will be able to advise you better.

---------- Post added at 19:16 ---------- Previous post was at 19:13 ----------

This might help http://www.divorceaid.co.uk/legal/legal-aid.htm

02-08-15, 19:49
Hi gregg yes you can divorce for free if you are on benefits, I did all I had to do is call my local courts and they sent the forms. It was abit back and fourth as I found the forms a little hard to understand lol
But im sure citizens advice would help you fill them in :) if shes the one doing the divorce then think you just sign if you agree with it all. Hope you get on ok with it all

02-08-15, 22:43
I knew someone who wanted to do this a few years back but he said that legal aid changed so he could no longer do it. Has it changed again?

If she wants it, Greg, she could pay for it.

02-08-15, 22:54
Legal Aid was stopped earlier this year I think except in some extreme cases.

02-08-15, 23:27
Ah thanks Annie. This was a few years back so it must have come back in again. This guy was claiming benefits, not working and barely had a change of clothes and couldn't afford to heat his one bed. He really needed to break away from his ex as she would be cold one of minute and trying to reel him in the next.

And she worked with people with mental health conditions!

03-08-15, 07:30
Ok guys well thanks..im going to pop into CAB today and make appt with them,see what they have to say

03-08-15, 07:55
Here is the CAB webpage for this:


The CAB website is excellent for advice, I tend to find it better than anything unless I need a specific example on case law from a solicitors website. It's much easier finding stuff than .giv or ACAS.

I'm wondering whether that link Annie posted was a webpage for the change to legal aid around when I was going to the charity walk-in's when I new this guy. I can't remember, it might have been early 2013 before the date mentioned on Annie's link.

But there is a problem looking at the CAB one:

What cases can't you get civil legal aid for?

You can't get legal aid for the following types of cases:

consumer and other contractual disputes
most immigration cases
Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority cases
private family law, for example, divorce, dissolution of civil partnership, property, finance and children matters, other than cases where there is evidence of domestic violence or abuse or child abuse. Domestic violence or abuse covers psychological, physical, sexual, financial or emotional abuse
personal injury or death
tort and other general claims
advice on will-making
matters of trust law
company or partnership law
business law
legal advice in relation to a change of name
defamation or malicious falsehood.

Looking at Annie's link again, there are 4 categories covered by Legal Aid and divorce isn't in them.

There are other forms of aid though. I wonder if they can be used to limit it? Maybe the CAB website will say more.

Sorry I've not been on your threads, Greg, I've been limiting my time on here until yesterday. I have had a read and I hope you are doing well mate.

03-08-15, 08:47
Thanks for this terry ill have a good read,i plan to pop in the CAB latter today anyway as i have something eles to ask them to,so i may as well ask them about the devorce to..thanks for digging this out for me mate.iv had a few good days latley so fingers crossed for more.hope you are doing ok mate

03-08-15, 09:01
I'm ok, same old battles but moving forward where possible. I saw about your daughter which was great news after the initial issues with sleep (but you did seem to handle that better, which is a good test for you) and then about your work. It's all good improvement, mate.

The CAB can be very busy so there can be quite a wait if you have to see certain people but you might be able to even email them some questions if not?

blue moon
03-08-15, 09:19
Good luck with it all Greg:hugs:

Petra x

03-08-15, 13:24
Thanks blue.been down CAB today got things sorted..