View Full Version : Lexapro 10 mg - Nausea after 3 weeks and metallic taste...Does it eventually go?

03-08-15, 08:05
Hi there,

I'm getting quite fed up now with the nausea and metallic taste I've been experiencing on Lexapro. I started it 3 weeks ago at 10mg, I am still on 10mg and thought the nausea was getting better a week or so ago but have been feeling awful for the past couple of days, the nausea seems to be getting worse and have this awful metallic taste in my mouth all the time, also have an upset stomach.... Went to my GP this morning and she prescribed Maxolon for nausea, took one hours ago and it didn't seem to help at all!
Has anyone else experienced this after 3 weeks? Did it go away?
Have been prescribed it to help with anxiety and depression. Was experiencing severe anxiety including panic attacks and have been for many years now, have tried CBT and other therapy in the past and also other medication... Just getting desperate as have been off work for a month now and was hoping to go back soon but feeling so sick at the moment! On the positive side, I have noticed that my moods are better but still feeling quite anxious when I have to go out alone (I have agoraphobia) but heard it's not uncommon for it to take a few more weeks before it acts on the anxiety.
I am seeing a psychiatrist next week so hoping they will be able to help but in the meantime it would really help me to hear your experiences, especially positive ones!! :)

04-08-15, 12:55
Yes, that will all just eventually go away x

05-08-15, 07:00
Hi Karen,

Thanks for your reply, it's made me feel more positive, was ready to give up yesterday, have been feeling so crap!

Did you find it took quite a long time to act on the anxiety also? x

11-08-15, 23:47
Thought I would give a quick update, the nausea has now gone away, it took almost 4 weeks for it to subside. Feeling better mood wise but still not seeing that much improvement in terms of anxiety levels... I am still on 10mg, will be seeing a psychiatrist for the first time today so will see how that goes, whether the dosage may change or I get any advice.

12-08-15, 00:05
I felt less depressed at 10 mg, but once I was on 20 mg for a good month I felt great and my anxiety was much better. Everybody is different though!

03-09-15, 00:47
Thought I'd post another update.... Have been on 10mg of Lexapro for 7 and a half weeks now and I'm sorry to report that the nausea has made a reappearance over the past few weeks, it's really bad in the morning especially and I'm starting to think I might have to try another medication... It's a real shame at I have noticed a real improvement in my mood and my anxiety levels but the constant nausea is just making me feel crap physically...

Has anyone switched from Lexapro to Prozac or Zoloft? Just wondering how the change over went and if I need to be ready for another few weeks of bad side effects ... I have recently started working again, part time and from home most of the time and the nausea is really the one thing stopping me from getting back to the office regularly.

Any advice would be much appreciated!!!

19-10-15, 08:42
before switching ask your doctor to look at possibly prescribing something like valoid which is an anti-emetic, it might help your sickness. I'm not a doctor but it may or may not work!