View Full Version : My battle...

03-08-15, 11:18
Morning all, I recently posted in the 'introduce yourself section' and thought I would follow it on with an update.

So last Sunday 26th was a very bad day, I went from feeling panicky about doing things to full blown constant anxiety. (I developed a bout of panic attacks after a series of events at an already stressful time of year, mid June.)

I think that since the summer holidays have started I have had way to much time to myself and it's not doing me any favours. My anxiety got worse to the point where I felt sick and shaky all the time. In the past despite any anxiety I have always managed to sleep but now I can't even manage that. I have better nights and bad nights but every night I drift off for a minimal amount of time and then jump back awake again.

On the Tuesday I had a telephone appointment with a therapist, she was helpful and has referred me for a computer program to work through but this isn't booked to start until the end of Aug.
Tuesday afternoon I went back to the doctors to see if I could get help for sleeping. He gave me amitriptyline but I'm not a fan of tablets so have yet to take any. I also worry because I'm off on holiday on Saturday and it would be nice to have a drink in the bar in the evenings but these are supposedly no alcohol tablets.

Instead I got myself some herbal nytol, seem to work ok, I wake up but am not wide awake and find it easier to drift off and even when I'm not asleep I fell much calmer and my mind is not racing.

I also got a book from the library about relaxation and stress reduction. They have some fab exercises to do which seem to be helping.
I even got my kids to do some of them with me and they say that they feel better after and sleep better.

I think one of the problems with my sleep pattern is again due to the fact it's summer holidays, I'm just not wearing myself out like I normally do, working and having 4 children is hard work!
Hoping I sleep better on holiday, I'm usually thoroughly worn out on hols!

My sleep did vastly improve for a couple of days but then my daughter went to camp on Sat and the last 2 nights have been jumping awake worrying about her.

My anxiety is higher when I haven't slept, I'm not good at dealing with anything when I haven't slept! But overall, it's considerably lower than it was a week ago.

Think it is slowly sinking in that I'm actually fine and when I'm not worrying about how I feel, I feel much better. Trying not to let the fear in.
I feel that if I keep re-enforcing this that my sleep will return and everything will fall into place..... fingers crossed anyway!


03-08-15, 12:36
Well done... it really seems a positive post and that you getting there...wherever "there" is... great news


03-08-15, 17:09
Hi - oh this is great news. Can I ask, what book did you get? x

03-08-15, 19:58
The book is called the relaxation and stress reduction workbook, covers simple step by step instructions for everything from mindfulness, acceptance, worry control, breathing, meditation and relaxation exercises and much more.
Seal of merit by the association for behavioural and cognitive therapies.
Much more practical than the other books i borrowed which were lots of chapters of theory.

Hope it helps more people, i find it very useful, hubby even read the bit on work stress.

04-08-15, 08:50
Didnt sleep at all last night. Bad times, 2 nights in a row of no more than 4 hours sleep.
Reluctantly going to take what the doc gave me tonight. Need sleep!! Fingers crossed they work. Not sure i can face a 3rd night of staring at the walls!