View Full Version : hepl and advice needed

05-02-07, 13:23
hi everyone
its been along time since ive been on here thought i was on top of my panic attacks. the last week they have been comming back ive had a few episodes where ive managed to calm myself down and get on with it.And some where i fel like im loosing control where i get these weird feelings and thoughts raceing through my head not quite sure how to cope?.
The really daft thing is we are in the process of getting a dog its something weve been wanting to do for a long time my husband and kids are desperate for one (so am i ). But ive been haveing real bad panic attacks over it, dont understand why! Does anyone else get like this?
Sorry for going on but dont know what to do the panick attacks are getting that bad dont want to go out i also suffer with depression and feeliong very low at the moment.
any help or advice would be great
thanks karen

05-02-07, 13:38
Hi Karen sorry to hear your so low.You may just be getting over excited about getting a dog,I know I would be.Have you had a dog before?
I had an episode like this in the summer,got totally excited about a day out and had a major PA.
Im sure when you have the dog all will be ok,Im sure its just excitement.
Are you on any meds?

Ellen XX

05-02-07, 13:46
hi ellen
im on mirtazapine (spelling?) have been for about a year have tried lots of meds in the past. Yes i have had adog before but not since i was teenanger (very long time ago) i hope your right about the excitment just feel really tearfull at the moment noy sure why.
thanks karen

05-02-07, 14:43
BIG HUG for you Karen.What sort of dog you getting?Im sure your mood will lift when you get your new friend.Im a dog lover we have two.

Ellen XX

05-02-07, 15:38
hi ellen
were getting a recue dog from blue cross hes aborder colly x with what nobody knows. i am really looking forward to getting him but scared at the same time if that makes sense.
thanks karen

05-02-07, 17:50
hi, iv just started on mirtazapine and havnt met anyone else who has been on it so id lov to no how u find it. i hav a dog but im unable to take it out walks. im sure your recent panic is just the excitment of getting your new pet.before when i was able to go out, if i had good time i came home and had massive panic. think my body was just not used to relaxing. i do hope u are feeling better and understanding that the feeling of excitment is just same as panic and u no how to deal with them. sending u positive thoughts.x


06-02-07, 09:49
hi nigel
thanks for advice i think what you and the others have said is probaby true about the excitement and signals getting mixed up. ive been feeling a bit out of sorts for acouple of weeks and the "excitement" of the dog has probably brought it to a head.
thanks for all your words of wisdom and support it really does help.

ive been doing allright on mirtazapine up untill reciently first time ive felt really low on them. haveing a bit of a hard time at home at the moment ( got 2 autistic boys). so as you can imagine its hard work , just finding it very hard to cope at the moment. saying that i do feel better today than i did yesterday.
thanks everyone

06-02-07, 11:53
i do understand how you feel. my son and husband were desperate for a puppy this time last year and i kept putting it off thinking up a million and one excuses as to why it wouldnt work, however we got our puppy in july last year and it was one of the best things we have ever done, it has brought our family closer and made us get out and about more at the weekends. I am really looking forward to the long summer evenings when we can walk until late. I hope your new friend brings you lots of fun and enjoyment too. with love tracy

07-02-07, 16:40
Hi Karen
I know its the psycological build up to certain events thats the worst in terms of panic and anxiety but Im sure that once you get your dog it will leave any panic behind as a distant memory. Dogs are so loving, sensitive and intelligent I bet the joy it will bring you will leave these thoughts you are having now as a distant bad memory.

07-02-07, 17:20
hi everyone
thanks for all your replys im sure your all right.im sure once i get the dog things will be fine. i think the problem is that it is something "new" and differnt to what im used to so there for i panic, im the same when i go or do something new if that makes sense.
Allthough saying that the past week ive been quite panicky over the smallest of things finding it very diffiult to go out at the moment espescialy on my own, luckily my hubby is very patiant and uderstanding and tries to help me through.
thanks karen