View Full Version : Fainting

03-08-15, 15:57
I feel misgivings about posting this, because so many people are dealing with current severe problems and it relates to something that happened to me a long time ago. But I have never quite understood why it happened and I wonder if anyone has had a similar experience that can throw light on mine. I fainted once when I was a healthy teenager. I was reading about someone having a heart attack, and when he talked about feeling a pain in his chest I started to feel a sort of pressure on mine. I started to feel sleepy and couldn't fight off the feeling. I had time to wonder if I was having a heart attack, and then I passed out. It's never happened since or come close to happening, though I have had what I think would be classed as anxiety attacks since then. I wonder if it could be explained as a panic attack. Or was it just a case of an overactive imagination? Any comments would be welcome.

03-08-15, 16:18

I too have fainted in the past when I was a healthy 19 year old and did not have panic attacks or anxiety or even depression at the time. When I fainted I hit my head off this radiator but luckily it only hurt the back of my neck which swelled up and was bleeding but there was no significant damage. When I got to the hospital they did not even give me a scan or anything, just checked my eyes and to see if I could move my head and I was sent home with ibuprofen. I realize that the reason I fainted was due to not eating all day and standing for a long period of time in a very hot room awaiting for an interview.

Fast forward years later (I'm 26 now) I come down with panic attacks and anxiety and of course, I too, think about maybe I'll faint again like I did before and maybe it wasn't because I did not eat that day and it makes me stress more. However, what is the point in thinking about it? It's been years. If it's been years for you too and you haven't fainted since then, it most likely isn't a big deal. People faint for all different reasons, some serious and some not so much. If you're worried about it go for a check up.

03-08-15, 16:24
What you say is very true: there is no point worrying about it if it is not bothering one currently, and people have so many real worries to deal with. I suppose I am just curious about an event that lingers in my memory, probably in part because it's an isolated incident. Good luck with your own situation and thanks for replying.

03-08-15, 18:43
Its very common for teenagers to faint...but I think it can be explained as a panic attack........... you are fine leave it in the past:)


03-08-15, 19:17
Thank you, Sarah, I'm sure that is what I should do. Somehow it's reassuring to classify experiences, at least I find it so. I'll put it down to a panic attack, and try to forget about it. Thanks for taking the trouble to reply and good luck to you.

03-08-15, 20:18
Yeah I wouldn't worry about it - it happened years ago and happened only once. It could be any number of things, and it's best to forget about it and move on as it has no relevance to your present or future :) x

04-08-15, 09:08
Thank you for replying and I am sure you are right. Best wishes, Hugh.