View Full Version : Considering medication, a few questions

03-08-15, 16:30

I'm looking for a little bit of advice please. I have been battling through varying degrees of anxiety, panic attacks and general socialised nervousness (for want of a better expression), for the last ten years. Only fairly recently though has it started to have a major impact upon my ability to work. I have had to leave three jobs because my anxiety, which, when coupled with the regular feeling of the onset of a panic attack, makes it extemely difficult to concentrate on any given task. Aside from all that, I also feel extremely humilated following an attack, stemming back to when I was ridiculed about it a few years ago. All-in-all, it doesn't add toward a valuable employee. One postive thing though, is that I have never experienced any depressive thoughts with regard to my anxiety.

To cut a long story short, I'm considering the option of medication. Previously I have undertaken CBT, (4 times) but never gone the medication route. As with most people, I need to work as I have responsibilites. I also don't want to be sat around the house with only my own thoughts for company. I think the medication route combined with some more CBT would be the best option, however I'm a bit worried.

Do those of you taking medication suffer from any serious side effects? Do you find that they make you "spaced out" or anything like that? Any success stories? Has anyone found that they have really helped them get on with their life? Lastly, what's the best way to pursue the medication route? My local docs are fairly useless and renound for given off a "not interested" vibe, so the thought of having to explain my situation to a strange doctor, worries me.

Any advice is greatly appreciated

03-08-15, 22:47
It really is a mixed bag. Different people with different issues and lots of different meds affecting different things. People do get it right. I've heard positive experiences. But people can find little benefit and discontinue too.

I think the best you can do is describe how you feel best you can to your doc and hope he selects one suitable for you and he gets it right.

Prozac did a lot of good for me but gave me nervous energy which ironically probably didn't help anxiety. For social anxiety did this really suit me ? And this is what it's like with you just hoping to find one that works for you. I don't think there's really any shortcuts other than if you are determined to try then communicate really well with a doc/psychiatrist/users about what would be most suitable for you and see if it helps. If it doesn't then give feedback and change to another.

Search the boards here there are masses of user experiences.