View Full Version : Severe Panic Attacks - Advice?

03-08-15, 17:17
Hi everyone,

I'm new here and I just wanted to get some advice. Over the past four years I've had panic attacks on and off that vary in how severe they are. I've had some where I simply cry, hyperventilate and become detached from my surroundings (for example I can hear what people are saying to me but often find it hard to respond and I sometimes miss part of what they've said). I feel dizzy and/or faint too and sometimes I get lights flashing in front of my eyes. I've also had more severe panic attacks where the usual above symptoms happen but I also tremble uncontrollably, feel very out of control and I feel pressure on my chest. I sometimes feel sick as well. I had one back in February where a friend was so worried they got a paramedic to check it was a panic attack - of course it was. I've had panic attacks where I've only cried uncontrollably and hyperventilated. It's often a mix of three to five/six of the different symptoms and I never know which. I never get the racing heart or sweating though.

Do there sound like panic attacks just to different severity levels? I keep questioning them all the time and I'm constantly distressed about having another one. In the past two weeks I've had about eight full panic attacks, so one every couple of days, although it can be a lot less than that as I've said. Has anyone got any advice on how to deal with this? I'm finding it really difficult. I haven't gone 2-3 months in the last four or five years without a panic attack and I'm finding it really draining.

Thanks everyone,

03-08-15, 17:32
I am no expert, but they sound like panic attacks to me. Every one is different. Some days I believe I have them, some days I am convinced there is something else wrong, but mine are different; some I feel like I cannot cope and I freak out, some I just sit there and take it. x

03-08-15, 17:37

Thanks for replying! I've been told by my doctor that they are definitely panic attacks, it's just the distress level I feel with the really bad ones that I don't seem to be able to cope with and it's scaring me now, as well as constantly questioning whether it's me just being silly. I feel like crying quite a lot of the time because if I'm not having one then I'm really upset and anxious about the possibility of having one! Hopefully that makes sense? X

03-08-15, 17:50
Oh god yeah - it totally makes sense. I fear mine. I really do. What has the doc done to help you? x

03-08-15, 17:53
My doctor's put me on Propranolol 160mg which seems to help a bit I think. When I go back to my home Dr. (I'm about to finish Uni so will be changing Drs.) he wants me to ask for my beta blockers on repeat prescription and to get sa teferral to my local CMHT. I've had CBT which helped to an extent but the panic attacks just keep coming back after getting better for a while - it seems to be an on and off thing x

03-08-15, 18:07
Ahhh right - I am on propranolol (4 x 10mg) but I don't think they are helpful. I am on the waiting list to be referred to CBT. x

03-08-15, 18:37
Mmm I find propranolol helpful to an extent, my doctor upped my dosage after the panic attacks got more and more severe. I've had CBT which has been good but the attacks are still happening a lot on and off. So I'm going to get referred to my local CMHT to get the panic attacks more controlled x

03-08-15, 20:19
Oh good - I hope they are quick in doing so cos it takes bloody ages to get referred to anything like that up here! x

03-08-15, 22:47
Haha thanks me too, that's what I'm worried about lol :) x

03-08-15, 23:53
Well I'm going to try and hurry them along cos I'm not coping too well lol x

04-08-15, 14:51
Mmm hopefully you can hurry them along a bit. I'm going to try to get an appointment with my new GP as soon as I can. Hopefully it'll go well for you -just keep nagging them! X

---------- Post added at 14:51 ---------- Previous post was at 12:26 ----------

Ahh hopefully that'll get sorted for you soon. I'm gonna do my best, gonna try to get an appointment soon x