View Full Version : i can't seem to shake this off :(

03-08-15, 20:21
i posted other day about my memory......

I feel so detached at the moment i cant even explain it, i dont have brain fog feeling i can see clearly but cant seem to take anything in that anyone says to me, everyone voice sounds like a stranger including my own :/ my doctors shakes it off as anxiety but the bad feeling in my chest is back i try distract my mind and use my ' coping ' techniques, ive even question my memory to point of dementia at 24 even though my memory is outstanding short and long term apart from recent last few months as i been so badly anxious depressed etc, it feels like everyday is fake, everyday is questionable and i keep trying remember my day so hard i draw a blank if i calm i can remember !

2nd most horrid one
i went to car meet yesturday 1000's of people and i love cars .... wasnt so bad at first then got busy ive never had social anxiety ever! but felt like i was cross eyed i couldnt focus on anything going on around me ! i been home bound scine and if i go out i feel worst everything outside feels strange and bright i hate it ! to be honest i didnt enjoy it has anyone had these 2 as it starting to bug me! i look at my gf and feel no connection i look at my family its the same everyone is a stranger worst of all i dont know what i am doing anymore ..... i feel like a different person and i deffo feel my depression kicking back in :/ thank you to anyone who replys

04-08-15, 09:24
Hi Boydo, sorry your having such a tough time with it. I can relate in a way, i've found my anxiety decreasing but can't shake this feeling that I don't feel like my self and it's panicking me I to don't have the fogginess or usual DP symptoms just this sense of unease and anxiety that i'm lost and getting further down the rabbit hole. However, we have got to shake this it's no good dwelling, we can feel better and we can feel normal again. Decide what you are going to do today to try and connect if it doesn't work don't dwell on it. I'm going to get out of bed now and face the world no matter how horrible I feel. There is only one way out with this stupid disorder and that is through...

Hope you feel better soon.

---------- Post added at 09:24 ---------- Previous post was at 09:09 ----------

And Boydo, something I am desperately trying to remember that my councillor said yesterday. You are you, you are always you. Just now you are going through something. Nothing about you has changed. Remember it and it should help.

04-08-15, 12:38

I have spent most of the morning looking through old posts of a retired doctor who used to post on here. He was amazing and he helped so many people in his responses. He was 89 yrs old a few years ago so no doubt, he is no longer with us but if you search the forum for posts by RLR you will be able to read his posts. There are a few similar to yours that I read earlier and his replies will definitely reassure and help you. One interesting one said for people who thought they were really 'losing their mind' because of all the depersonalisation feelings they had etc. reassured them that it's all anxiety and people who really 'lose their mind' don't know about it and the fact that it is happening.....they don't get the feeling that they are losing it! Look him up, you'll be glad you did because he was an actual Dr.

04-08-15, 14:22
RLR isn't bringing up anything for me

04-08-15, 15:45
Hi Pepperpot - that's strange, because funnily enough, I couldn't get to the end of his posts as it suddenly came up with an error so I am wondering if the Mods have removed him now? Might be worth asking them because they were okay to access earlier today.

Sorry about that.

04-08-15, 16:19
i actually woke up like this also
felt like if i was looking at myself from the outside
heart pounding, nauseated, headache and feeling dizzy
i actually threw up (tmi?) and it went away
im sure it was a panic attack not a traditional one but im sure it was because i feel super weak and sleepy now

04-08-15, 22:46
wow thanks for the huge response made me feel loads better, and ill try answer everyone back.

Bek - i agree entirely i shake most them off apart from the surreal of whats going on around me am sure we get there eventually.

Justanutter - fantastic reassuring advice ive surfed the web for months and not come across him but thankful that you sent me his way! ashame hear he might not be with us but he definitely reassured me

Kiinng - sounds like you did have a panic attack it throws me into fatigue mode aswell so your not alone just try relax when it happens which i know seems impossible you soon regain control

all the best guys and girls

05-08-15, 04:16
I just tried and I can view all posts and threads by RLR from the Advanced Search feature. So, the error must have been for some other reason. Try again because I've had problems getting into certain threads with some browsers and you get a specific message.

James - are you feeling more under pressure at the moment after your news? If so, maybe trying to relax yourself more and prevent racing thoughts might help to take this away? It sounds to me like you are having a blip at the moment so try to remember all the progress you have made, stick with things and be non judgemental about it so as not to start all the negative thinking like worrying about memory and looking for very unlikely conclusions like dementia when you know anxiety can also do all this but is very common.

05-08-15, 08:48
Hi Terry

I also can't find these posts, do you have any links to the posts mentioned by any chance?

---------- Post added at 08:48 ---------- Previous post was at 08:41 ----------

Not to worry iv found him!

05-08-15, 21:28
cheers terry am actually excited about my news, maybe just getting me subconcuisly the only other problem is it also doesnt feel real and this is a feeling ive not shaked off it a long time, maybe few more weeks of my sertraline and ill wake up fine, i have a really bad cold at the moment so my anxiety saying hello anyway but doing well to ingore it, all the best

05-08-15, 22:25
I've heard expectant fathers say that before, James. I guess it's such an enormous piece of news and something you can't really appreciate until your baby is born as I've heard some say it just clicked with them then as being real.

I'm not a parent I really don't know on that one but hopefully some of the other dad's on here will be able to tell you much better about how they felt.

I think it would scare & excite me. I would be thinking about whether I will do what I should and whether I will be enough. Perhaps that's natural? It's a massive learning curve.

06-08-15, 08:06
aye it will be but its also exciting! hopefully all being well ill be fine soon just ill atm so it wont be helping anything