View Full Version : Tender spots on head and scalp

04-08-15, 00:41
I've been getting really weird tender spots on my head. They tend to be around my temple but right now my whole scalp feels tender to touch.
I've also been suffering from really bad headaches :(
Does anyone else get this? I'm worried it's a ruptured anyerusm as usual but trying to think realistically - if it was a ruptured anyerusm I'd be dead.
Is there anyone who knows what might cause this and what could release it.
My neck is really stiff and sore... Could this be linked?

04-08-15, 11:56
I get this. I have a sensitive scalp, I think. And the headaches could be to do with the time of year x

04-08-15, 12:02
Hi, I get this, it is linked to your neck and general tense muscles, the doctor and the osteopath told me so xx

04-08-15, 12:11
might be the certain shampoo you use I have tender scalp and ice pick headaches which feels like someone stabbing you with a knife but its been on and off for 7 years