View Full Version : I live in fear of aneurysm

04-08-15, 04:18
This fear is from years and years ago. One time I looked up symptoms and convinced myself I have something called Marfans or something like it. Ever since then I've been afraid of getting an aneurysm.

I had an echo about a year and a half ago, came back fine but today I'm really scared. I just felt two pains, one in my upper chest another in my back, both at the same time. Shortly afterwards, I felt tingling in my right arm and more tired than I was earlier. Granted, it is night but the tiredness has me scared.

I hate that I am scared of my heart like this. :( I keep thinking a year and a half is too long, maybe something happened since.

07-08-15, 23:54
From what I've read, aneurysms are rare, often don't have symptoms, develop very slowly and can be seen on an echo so it does seem unlikely that you have developed one. I know what you mean though, I have convinced myself of a great many things and then worried about them. I think a lot of us here have that experience. :)