View Full Version : Can anyone relate? Shaking.

04-08-15, 15:19
Started on July 11th which coincidentally was the day after what would have been my moms 58th bday. Started my dream job on July 13. Things should be going great for me, but they aren't.

Since then I wake up with a shaking feeling, but my wife says I'm not shaking. Happens every day. If I flex my biceps my arms start shaking. If I turn my head parallel with my shoulders left or right my head starts to shake.

Went to the ER twice, primary care, and walk in and they all said its anxiety. Went to a neurologist and he said I was fine that it was just anxiety. My worries are that its something like MS, ALS, or Parkinson's. The only two times in the past month when I felt fine all day is when I took my kid to an amusement park, and when I went to the casino with some friends.

Does anyone else experience this? Do I need to get another opinion? Could this really just be anxiety?

04-08-15, 16:05
Started on July 11th which coincidentally was the day after what would have been my moms 58th bday. Started my dream job on July 13. Things should be going great for me, but they aren't.

Since then I wake up with a shaking feeling, but my wife says I'm not shaking. Happens every day. If I flex my biceps my arms start shaking. If I turn my head parallel with my shoulders left or right my head starts to shake.

Went to the ER twice, primary care, and walk in and they all said its anxiety. Went to a neurologist and he said I was fine that it was just anxiety. My worries are that its something like MS, ALS, or Parkinson's. The only two times in the past month when I felt fine all day is when I took my kid to an amusement park, and when I went to the casino with some friends.

Does anyone else experience this? Do I need to get another opinion? Could this really just be anxiety?

be surprised what anxiety can manifest itself into
are you sure when all this started coincidentally on that date?
from the way you say "would have been" my guess she is no longer among us?
sorry for your loss...but yeah maybe it got bit rough for you on that day ?
which is understandable who wouldnt have a hard time doesnt matter if it happen a week ago or years ago
emotions like that can def trigger anxiety
even starting that dream job can do it but congratulations on actually doing what you love to do use that as motivation to keep pushing forward
calm you anxiety down and it should go away
just ask yourself what really is buggin you ?

and im 99% sure it's anxiety because when we sit there wondering worrying and have your mind racing you will def feel anxiety hitting hard
the reason you didnt feel anything when you were with your son and spending time with friends it took your mind off of things
the shaking is normal believe it or not i get it to i have GAD
if it was an underlying medical issue im sure it wouldnt take a day off
distraction can be good

04-08-15, 16:52
I appreciate the response. I wish I could just trust and believe the people who have spent 10 years studying medicine vs me spending 10 minutes on WebMD. I think for me the issue is not grasping how my mind can have an effect on my body like this. Of course I can read any symptom online and mimic it within 24 hours. So that's a skill I wish I could paid for.

04-08-15, 17:18
I appreciate the response. I wish I could just trust and believe the people who have spent 10 years studying medicine vs me spending 10 minutes on WebMD. I think for me the issue is not grasping how my mind can have an effect on my body like this. Of course I can read any symptom online and mimic it within 24 hours. So that's a skill I wish I could paid for.

for what it's worth i have been battling anxiety, panic, agoraphobia for 9 yrs these issues can easily turn into physical symptoms
i think i have felt every thing anxiety disorder can throw at you heart palpitations, shaking, hyperventilation, numb limbs, headaches, my head sometimes goes numb, random sharp pains, and list goes on and on so yes anxiey can manifest itself into crazy/scary physical symptoms
shaking is very common or my hands will tremble or my eye will twitch
32 visits to the emergency room
tons of test all for them to come back normal :shrug:
and i am still alive kicking and breathing
trust me when i say if you have been told by a specialist that hey nothing is wrong then take the news and never look back
real easy to develop health anxiety and it's a dark side of anxiety you never want to be

check out a few stickys called dr google

most answers for "symptoms" on the internet or webmd are worst case scenario which are tumors, cancers, and all that scary stuff which for many people its 99% NOT the case

promise you just relax and get your thoughts together youll be ok

04-08-15, 19:32
I think you also have to think about than when you were at the amusement park/casino....I'd assume fun times....you were fine..

I have symptoms that bother me too, but I can't help but notice that in moment when I'm really happy, or really busy, I'm able to ignore them and/or they completely go away. I also notice that when I have a cocktail in me....I am fine. I"m not advocating drinking by any means, but when symptoms that I'm sure will kill me subside after a few drops of vodka, and don't come back until the vodka has worn off....I try to tell myself that they can't be that bad.

Good luck!

04-08-15, 20:06
Hey George :)

I have really bad health anxiety. I too get a lot of weird shaking sensations, especially if I have to use my muscles, lift my arms/hands etc. I found it has improved since my doctor put me on antidepressants to treat my anxiety. Still get the odd eye twitch, and still sometimes feel like my body is vibrating when I lie down at night, but I've just put it all down to the anxiety.

Take your doctors word for it, and do more of the things that make you happy to take your mind off it since that seemed to work for you :)

Hope you feel better soon!

- Therese x

05-08-15, 15:55
Hi George,

I've been getting shaky arms and legs for a while now. I've been worrying about MS/Parkinsons etc.

I'm not sure but could it be related to adrenaline?

06-08-15, 11:59
15 years ago I developed a head tremor for 8 months...All tests done and it was adrenaline effect...anxiety.. I get a jittery head feeling sometimes even now when im very anxious..

08-08-15, 20:48
I think these symptoms are the worst, because a quick google will bring up MND, ALS, Parkinsons, MS, etc, as you've noted. These debilitating and life-shortening diseases will play on your mind.

If you had MND, it wouldn't give you a day's rest. Neither would Parkinson's.

I'm going through the same. The thing that is keeping me going is that it never stops me doing anything... for example, with MND, you just won't be able to do something, no matter how hard you try: the physical ability doesn't exist any more.

So when I get weakness during the day, but get a few pints in me and it's fine and I'm partying, there's not a problem.

Anxiety is a strange illness and it changes to get the worst out of you. Tremors, shaking, twitching, cramps and weakness are some of the most common symptoms. So it's much more likely it's your anxiety, and not a spectacularly rare disease.

(My 'symptoms' started after watching the new Stephen Hawking film - ha ****ing ha! 8 months later here I am).

11-08-15, 08:08
I just posted something on my tremors then saw this - guess you are struggling with the shaking as well at the moment, as well as others - which is what I was wondering.

Does anyone have resting tremors? That's what I have. They do get worse with anxiety, stress, fatigue, caffeine, exercise. My hands are fine but if I hold them out like one would steadily infront of them - then you can tell I have tremors. It gets to be embarrassing and humiliating after a while - I work as an optician - so that's the last thing I want my patients to see. I usually avoid certain hand movements to keep the shaking under control. Seems to be more persistent when I'm stressed or concentrating; eg: eating a sandwich I'd be fine but if I were to draw a temporary tattoo on someone or put a screw in a pair of spectacles - shakes shakes shakes!

I also always worried about MS, Parkinsons, etc however I did google my tremors and the symptoms of Parkinsons and MS do not fit our tremors and shakes. Guarantee it's all anxiety - I know mine are just a genetic fluke or as the doctors called it a "phenomenon" but even so - without anxiety I doubt I'd even notice it. You'll be fine I'm sure -especially if you've had doctors say you are ok. Good luck!

18-08-15, 18:41
Update to where I am at now.

Not really feeling the shaking when waking up anymore and just lying there. Now my whole body shakes when I do the whole stretching/yawning thing. Still can't flex my muscles without them shaking, and now I have developed like a muscle spasm/twitch in my left buttocks which is a little weird. Everything else though I guess is ok. Taking my meds as needed which is more than I thought it would be.

19-08-15, 04:46
Sorry to hear that.

I do wake up from my sleep sometimes just absolutely shaking almost shivering. It does go away eventually.

Tonight my head seems to be shaking a bit. Pretty much because I'm so nervous from the twitching and numb and tingling sensation in my face tonight! That makes me get jittery everywhere. Not doing great tonight at all honestly. I've had fears of diseases too - I do get horrible anxiety. I feel like shaking causes anxiety and anxiety causes shaking. I noticed that I had a lot of caffeine today and I got jittery - when I got home, I had my daughter back for the first night and she's very young so she threw a tantrum at bedtime. I hadn't eaten in a while or hydrated much today and when I went to go eat she just kept crying. I finally got her to sleep but I noticed that I was shaking now - more jittery - more twitching. The less I think about how I feel anxiety wise the less my face feels numb tingly twitchy or shaky! Right now I'm just about crawling out of my skin and keep shaking. I think that shaking is the worst symptom next to heart palpitations which knock on wood I haven't had lately!
Hope things get better with the shaking.

26-08-15, 20:20
Well I got my test results back from the neurologist and everything came back fine. She said I have a physiological tremor, and that it is stress/anxiety related. I hope I don't have to live with this the rest of my life. It gets more frustrating as the days go on. My therapist wants to put me on an SSRI, but not sure how I feel about that yet. The battle continues.

28-08-15, 19:19
has been bookmark, this seems like a very interesting thread

30-08-15, 21:49
Hey George :)

I have really bad health anxiety. I too get a lot of weird shaking sensations, especially if I have to use my muscles, lift my arms/hands etc. I found it has improved since my doctor put me on antidepressants to treat my anxiety. Still get the odd eye twitch, and still sometimes feel like my body is vibrating when I lie down at night, but I've just put it all down to the anxiety.

Take your doctors word for it, and do more of the things that make you happy to take your mind off it since that seemed to work for you :)

Hope you feel better soon!

- Therese x

I'm glad I'm not the only one with the trembling on the inside in bed , :yesyes:

22-10-15, 14:07
Well here is an update. It's been over 3 months now with the same symptoms. The only thing that has subsided is the feeling like I was trembling inside when I would wake up. That at least isn't there any more. My new symptom is extreme neck pain down one side. Had an xray didn't find anything.

Symptoms now:

Tremors when my arms are flexed or engaged
Tremors in my head if I turn my head over my left or right shoulder
Neck pain, stiffness, tension

I've been to 3 neurologists, and 2 other doctors, and none of them seem to take me seriously. They won't do an MRI or brain scan even though I have asked for them. They all say it's anxiety.

My primary prescribed me Celexa and I am afraid to take it. I may not take it at all, but I have it. I don't understand how that is going to solve my issues, maybe I will just have to live like this.

22-10-15, 20:20
I experience this every single day. It feels as though my arms and legs are jittery, but they don't look as though they are. It's horrible and makes me want to cry!

Kind of feels like muscle fatigue after a big workout (but I haven't worked out in almost a year!).

I, too, have been panicing that it's something like MS. I had a blood test done on Monday, testing for a lot of things, and everything came back normal. Reassured but I'd like some explanation.

People keep telling me that it's anxiety-related as well, as a result of fluctuating levels of adrenaline. It happens when I'm not anxious as well though, but this could still be true.

Might be worth getting a blood test for B12 deficiency? If you're deficient, it's easily sorted :)

Or it really could just be anxiety. We should probably trust the health professionals a bit more! x

22-10-15, 20:32
I had the blood tests done. Everything came back fine. Did all of the neurological tests and all came back fine. At this point I am just very frustrated.

11-12-17, 17:29
Well I have a few updates. I went to a neurologist in Cincinnati who diagnosed me with Functional Movement Disorder, and now I am seeing a specialist in Boston. Tremors are still there 24 hours a day with the random muscle twitches every once in a while. They say it is from traumatic events happening to me when i was a child, that I guess my body things now would be a good time to start processing them. Some days are better than others, and there are certainly days I feel like completely giving up, but I am medication free, so at least I don't have to deal with side effects.

I had a brain MRI which came back perfect.

I have now been to 9 neurologists, and for some reason I still have this 1% of me that still believes it could be something else, but for now I just stay the course.

11-12-17, 20:00
Well I have a few updates. I went to a neurologist in Cincinnati who diagnosed me with Functional Movement Disorder, and now I am seeing a specialist in Boston. Tremors are still there 24 hours a day with the random muscle twitches every once in a while. They say it is from traumatic events happening to me when i was a child, that I guess my body things now would be a good time to start processing them. Some days are better than others, and there are certainly days I feel like completely giving up, but I am medication free, so at least I don't have to deal with side effects.

I had a brain MRI which came back perfect.

I have now been to 9 neurologists, and for some reason I still have this 1% of me that still believes it could be something else, but for now I just stay the course.

I am going through exactly the same thing,these past 6 months have been a really stressful time in my life,the past 2 months i have had vibrating in my legs and arms and more recently in my head its like jerkin from side to side its all worse when im lying down,ive seen 4 doctors ehochave all said its anxiety and stress they have done basic neuro tests and thhere ok and say theres no need to send me for an mri,i went out the othernightt had a few beers and didnt feel any tremors untill the next morning so maybe they are right about anxiety,but it is seriously annoying

30-10-20, 20:30
Hello. I know this is an old post, but I was wondering if anyone who discussed experiencing tremors/shaking in this thread could provide an update. I am experiencing some similar symptoms and I am hoping there is some light at the end of the tunnel!

02-10-22, 19:16
Hi George I’m going through exactly what you are , how can I PM you?