View Full Version : Another Panic Attack

04-08-15, 16:40
I had another panic attack earlier. It wasn't as bad as some others I've had but still not fun at all. I felt really weak and really detached form everything, disassociated from what was around me and my chest felt a bit tight. I got a paper bag to try to control my breathing. At first it made it worse and I hyperventilated badly but then after a few minutes my breathing got better. I'm so bored of these panic attacks now and I'm really scared of when the next one will be or how bad it will be and I'm going to all the relevant doctors/people and it's getting really distressing and upsetting now :( I felt like crying the whole way through the attack but I didn't - I'vew cried during attacks that are far worse. Afterwards I had a bit of a headache and felt weak and tired for about half an hour but the attack itself only lasted about 5-10 minutes. I've had much worse panic attacks so I doubt myself all the time wondering whether this was just the start of one. Anyone got any advice/experiences at all? X

05-08-15, 13:58
Hi Mayah I also had one earlier, just when I thought it might be behind me. Have you been having them for long? I believe mine will pass and I will soon be free of them other than that try not to anticipate the next one which is a cycle I get stuck in. PM me if you'd like to chat :)

05-08-15, 15:15
Hi bekw89 I've had them on and off for about four years. Luckily I'm sorting out help for it it's just taking a while :)