View Full Version : People dont help my anxiety lol

04-08-15, 16:53
Today i found out a old work mate who i havent spoke to in 6 months due to falling out with him as i didnt want to give him anymore work, he has gone to a group of my customers saying i have sold my bussiness to him and he will be taking over, I managed to speak to them all and say he is trying to steal it and i havent sold my bussiness or nothing which is sorted in the long run, but he has made me now £200-250 out of pocket, i am absolutely raging with anger, A part of me wants to hurt him another wants to call the police but other part is leave it, Its so hard to deal with horrible situations like this as if i hurt him i will be the 1 in trouble with the police and if i call the police have to deal with the hassle of it, I told a friend of a friend to tell him that its not on what hes done and i have got the customers back and i dont want him trying it again with other customers or i will go to the police, I AM ABSOLUTELY RAGING, i cannnot help be calm i want to drink beer and i know it wont help as will set of my anxiety tomorrrow, im tempted to take a valium but dont know if it will work lol, i feel like a ticking bomb am so angry how somebody so low could do that and lie to my customers which i have had for other 5 years, FUMING!!!!! lol :angry: :angry: :angry:

04-08-15, 19:08
Hi, it's absolutely normal that you are fuming but no need to drink as this will not help, only make it worse.
I would just get the message to him that this cannot happen again because if it does you will do something about it x

04-08-15, 19:19
yes i avoided and the drink and the valium am trying to do it natural and am playing a computer game and gonna have a hot bath with radox relax bubble bath and sit there and think of ways to kill him haha only kidding sit there and chill lol, Damn i havent been this raging in so long i feel so angryyyyyyyy

04-08-15, 19:37
If he's out and out lying to take business away from you, couldn't this be considered defamation and be liable for a suit in court? You have customers that could corroborate this too.

Positive thoughts

04-08-15, 19:58
yes im thinking that, i am absolutely fuming its so hard for me to control this sort of emotion lol, i dont feel in control lol feel like a bomb ready to blow haha

05-08-15, 01:59
Based on my legal studies experience this doesn't qualify as defamation as he's not been actively trying to damage your reputation to third parties. Defamation must consist of this and the information must also have been spread to a sufficient amount of people to have a lasting impact on your reputation. Defamation is also very hard to prove in court as it can be subjective.

However, you will likely be able to sue for damages as you said you have lost about 200-250 pounds because of him. I would approach him first and have him explain himself and contact a solicitor or mediator if you can't come to a resolution between the two of you.

Also, good on you for trying to calm down naturally. I would be absolutely livid if somebody did that to me.

05-08-15, 08:06
I have calmed down a lot now naturally , he replied absolute bull**** to my friend of a friend but said he'll leave it , so I will leave it and will swallow the £200 but if tries it again with anymore customers I will take legal action , calmness and positive thoughts lol