View Full Version : Now I'm freaking out please help!

04-08-15, 18:59
For the past few weeks I've been getting headaches on and off. I think they are tensions headaches. I've had a few other posts recently about them. Would hypertension cause temple headache??? I'm now worried that it's high blood pressure. I was at my docs a few months ago and the checked my blood pressure and weren't worried at all. How longn would it take to raise to the point it was giving me headaches? I exercise, I'm not over weight and don't smoke or drink. The sides of my neck hurt a bit but I don't know if that's from anxiety. Please help! I'm Freakibg right now!!! I have had days where I've very dizzy but that's only for a few hours at a time and only a few days a weeks. I'm giving my self a super panic attack over all this.

04-08-15, 20:14
For the past few weeks I've been getting headaches on and off. I think they are tensions headaches. I've had a few other posts recently about them. Would hypertension cause temple headache??? I'm now worried that it's high blood pressure. I was at my docs a few months ago and the checked my blood pressure and weren't worried at all. How longn would it take to raise to the point it was giving me headaches? I exercise, I'm not over weight and don't smoke or drink. The sides of my neck hurt a bit but I don't know if that's from anxiety. Please help! I'm Freakibg right now!!! I have had days where I've very dizzy but that's only for a few hours at a time and only a few days a weeks. I'm giving my self a super panic attack over all this.

headaches are quite common
i get them daily also but i know its my anxiety levels that are high because as magically as they appear they also subside just as fast
anxiety can create tons of different physical symptoms
there is plenty of non life threatening causes for headaches
dehydration is also common for headaches and since it's summer i mean it could be plausible
even sinus issues sinus issues can def cause headaches and vertigo or loss of balance feeling

no need to freak out if they truly bother you to the point you cant function correctly see your doc or seek urgent care
i had plenty of tests done for my headaches and always came back fine

my headaches arent even really headaches sometimes its only one side of my head that feels funny
sometimes my head goes numb or parts of it again the less i think about it and go on about my business they eventually go away

04-08-15, 20:24
Hey there :)

Sorry to hear you feel like this. Have you looked into the possibility of TMJ disorder? This is what I have. It's caused by grinding your teeth and clenching your jaw (when you're stressed!). It's not a serious condition and can easily be sorted with using a bite guard while you sleep.

I know for me I do get pains in my temple and neck, I also get weird tingling sensations and pain on my scalp, usually on one side at a time. It can make your ears hurt as well, and TMJ can also cause dizziness too!

Obviously I would never recommend googling, but if you schedule an appointment with your dentist and ask them to go over the symptoms with you, then you might feel more at ease, and then they'll be able to advise you on the best course of action.

Of course, you can go and see your doctor too, if it makes you feel more at ease to get your blood pressure checked again, you sound pretty healthy to me!

Hope you feel better soon :)

- Therese x

04-08-15, 20:28
Hey there :)

Sorry to hear you feel like this. Have you looked into the possibility of TMJ disorder? This is what I have. It's caused by grinding your teeth and clenching your jaw (when you're stressed!). It's not a serious condition and can easily be sorted with using a bite guard while you sleep.

I know for me I do get pains in my temple and neck, I also get weird tingling sensations and pain on my scalp, usually on one side at a time. It can make your ears hurt as well, and TMJ can also cause dizziness too!

Obviously I would never recommend googling, but if you schedule an appointment with your dentist and ask them to go over the symptoms with you, then you might feel more at ease, and then they'll be able to advise you on the best course of action.

Of course, you can go and see your doctor too, if it makes you feel more at ease to get your blood pressure checked again, you sound pretty healthy to me!

Hope you feel better soon :)

- Therese x

think they sell mouth guards? like at local drug stores? that can be a possibility
my sis in law would have headaches also same deal and it was due to her grinding her teeth
used a mouth guard she said she hasnt had an issue since

see there is always non deadly causes for things
tumors, cancers this that isnt always the case

04-08-15, 21:12
I haven't been to the dentist in years!!! I'm terrified to go!!!!! Like 100% panic mode just making the appointment. I can't even get myself into the car to go. I have thought tmj before because this has happened before just not for this long. The pain on the side of my head. I just took a 2 hr nap which was amazing but now the side I was laying on hurts. Feels like I got punched in the left temple.

06-08-15, 17:37
You might be able to get a mouth guard from a sports shop but they only problem there is that it won't be a custom fit - and therefore maybe not as effective. Might be worth a go though!

I hate going to the dentist too. Took a weird reaction to the anaesthetic once (double vision! it wore off after 20mins), and it terrified me - even though it's apparently very common. I didn't go back for 5 years!! I got two fillings done last month and worked myself into a right state because of the reaction I had before. I sat talking with the dentist about which one he should use, and because I worked myself up guess what happened? Took double vision again! But I think this time it was more to do with the sheer panic and adrenaline. It wore off after a minute or so.

Dentists tend to be a lot more understanding these days though. I know that when I filled out my registration there a question which asked if I was nervous about dentists - so that they can be advised on how to deal with you and put your mind at ease. :)