View Full Version : Flaky skin on scalp - latest irrational fear.

04-08-15, 20:58
Hey everyone!

I hope you are very, very well today (or...as well as can be given this torturous infliction :) ) .

My HA has been through the roof these last few weeks. I joined this forum a while back, and have been a little shy to post. But lately I've found myself needing some extra support, so I'm so glad to have found this safe space.

Tonight, I'm scared witless about a patch of dry skin I have on my scalp (I'm seeing my doctor on Thursday to make a plan for my HA, but until then I keep having awful attacks of anxiety).

I have a patch of dry skin on my scalp that I have had for years and years. It's like a little raised bump of flaky skin, and although sometimes it's itchy, most of the time I don't even know it's there.

Tonight, I'm TERRIFIED it's turned into something more sinister. It's itching at the moment, and I have scare stories of skin disorders (I can't even say the C word) running round my head.

Please could someone bring me back down to earth, and connect me back with my common sense?

It amazes me how irrational this illness really can make you.

Sending you all tonnes of love xx

04-08-15, 21:45
I am in a similar boat to you (you might want to read my last post)

I have a patch on my scalp that has been worrying me on and off for a long time. It is a dry patch, a bit rough and pinky when I touch or pick at it. Had it about 15 years! It was more of a scab at first but now its a slightly raised patch of rough skin. I pull the hair from it and have a bald patch the size of a pound coin but the pinky patch is smaller.

I am going to see the dr on Thursday. I am so scared she will want to do a biopsy, but I know the likelihood is it is from years or picking and hair pulling. I am hoping she can help me with my anxiety.

I agree it is amazing how irrational HA can make you :(

sending you hugs x

04-08-15, 22:43
Hey Snowflake!

Thank you so much for your response - I'm so sorry you're also in a similar position, but also quite relieved that I am not alone :)

It's just so ridiculous that like you, I've had this patch of skin for years and years - so the chances of it being anything other than dry skin (or psoriasis at worst) are just so slim...yet tonight it has been enough to send me into an anxiety frenzy.

I have the dr on Thurs too about my HA, so I'm going to get him to have a quick look at it. I'm sure we'll both be sat here on Thurs evening wondering what on earth we were worried about :wall:

Sending you hugs too x

05-08-15, 22:14
Hey Snowflake!

Thank you so much for your response - I'm so sorry you're also in a similar position, but also quite relieved that I am not alone :)

It's just so ridiculous that like you, I've had this patch of skin for years and years - so the chances of it being anything other than dry skin (or psoriasis at worst) are just so slim...yet tonight it has been enough to send me into an anxiety frenzy.

I have the dr on Thurs too about my HA, so I'm going to get him to have a quick look at it. I'm sure we'll both be sat here on Thurs evening wondering what on earth we were worried about :wall:

Sending you hugs too x

Bless you. I have been stressing over mine for years. I had a good look at it tonight and when I pull the skin the redness goes which is making me think it can't be cancer, right? I have pulled SO much hair out, was having a good old pull at it tonight - worried I am gonna end up with a bigger and bigger bald patch. really sucks as I have long hair that I really look after (apart from the pulling lol) and I am worried I am gonna end up totally bald cause I find it so hard to control the urge to pull it out.

I am seeing the dr tomorrow morning. She is really nice and I am glad its her I am seeing. I am gonna be upfront and tell her about how my HA has been. I actually want an increase in my medication (at first I never even wanted to go on it but it has helped me loads) and to see if she can see whats happening with my high intensity CBT.

I am gonna show her my head and tell her of my cancer fears. I am kinda shitting it that she will be cautious and still want to biopsy but I am telling myself that chances of this are low, and if it does happen I am gonna be brave and not freak out. My fella is coming with me bless him.

I have a skin tag thing on my bum too (sorry) that I think was an old pile (sorry again) and also moles round my bum (once again, soz) and I KNOW deep down these are nothing I am still gonna ask her to check.

Please let me know how you get on tomorrow, will be sending you good luck/positive vibes! xxx

05-08-15, 22:22
Hey Snowflake!

I am so sure that what you described is purely down to anxiety. Obviously I'm not a doctor, but it makes sense that if you're picking at it, it's going to be red and sore. I reckon it'll be nothing more than dry skin (or psoriasis).

Even if she does want to do a biopsy, to my knowledge I'm pretty sure all they would do is scrape some of the cells off of the surface? I had something similar, and they literally just scraped over the outside. Definitely nothing to worry about :)

The real enemy is the HA. We know - logically - that if it was anything more serious, we'd definitely have known about it by now.

Let me know how you get on! xx

06-08-15, 09:16
Hey Snowflake!

I am so sure that what you described is purely down to anxiety. Obviously I'm not a doctor, but it makes sense that if you're picking at it, it's going to be red and sore. I reckon it'll be nothing more than dry skin (or psoriasis).

Even if she does want to do a biopsy, to my knowledge I'm pretty sure all they would do is scrape some of the cells off of the surface? I had something similar, and they literally just scraped over the outside. Definitely nothing to worry about :)

The real enemy is the HA. We know - logically - that if it was anything more serious, we'd definitely have known about it by now.

Let me know how you get on! xx

I guess I am just worried cause it started as a bump years ago that I picked and picked at and now its flattened out, but slightly raised and pink and a bit flaky. I am dreading if I do have any tests cause I hate waiting for results, its like the worst thing imaginable :weep:

I can't believe how much of my hair I have pulled out, I feel terrible! luckily I am able to hide it well as I have a side parting but I know when it starts to grow back it will stick up like a tuft and will look ridiculous :roflmao:guess you have to see the funny side of these things eh...

I am so tired of my HA now... so frustrating how you can get better for months then it all comes back.

I seriously don't think your scalp will be anything to worry about and fingers crossed mine wont either. I will post on here later tonight and let you know how my appointment went, hope yours goes well let us know what they say xxx

07-08-15, 09:08
Hey did you see the dr yesterday? how did you get on? Hope you are ok and they reassured you and helped you with your HA xx my appointment went well, the dr looked at my scalp and said its inflammed from picking/hairpulling and gave me steroid cream to reduce the inflamation and help the hair grow back. she increased my Sertraline to 150mg and is chasing up my referral for my next CBT sessions. Let us know how you got on xxx

08-08-15, 20:13
Hey Snowflake!

Argh I didn't get a notification that you'd responded! I just came on to check in on you lol...so you got there before me!

I'm so glad your appointment went well. Has that put your mind at rest?

Mine went really well too! My doctor took one look at it, said - nothing to worry about, just one of those things! For my HA, he put me back on Sertraline and gave me a stash of Diazepam to see me through xx

09-08-15, 08:29
Hey Snowflake!

Argh I didn't get a notification that you'd responded! I just came on to check in on you lol...so you got there before me!

I'm so glad your appointment went well. Has that put your mind at rest?

Mine went really well too! My doctor took one look at it, said - nothing to worry about, just one of those things! For my HA, he put me back on Sertraline and gave me a stash of Diazepam to see me through xx

I am glad your doctor said it's nothing to worry about, do you feel better after seeing the doctor? I am still worrying about my scalp thinking perhaps the doctor wasn't thorough enough but I know that is health anxiety and not really a rational thought! I hope you feel better being back on the Sertraline and Diazepam certainly helps too. Take care xx