View Full Version : White dot on tongue

04-08-15, 21:20
I don't know if this is worth worrying about but I have this flat white dot above my tongue that stands out from the rest of the white dots coating on my tongue. It's painless and completely flat and I honestly can't say it's always been there because I don't know. I'm 17 and nonsmoker and ice noticed this for 3 days now.

---------- Post added at 21:20 ---------- Previous post was at 21:18 ----------

And I'm not googling because we all know what happens if I do that and what it WILL come up with. I can't be asked for another panic attack...

04-08-15, 21:25
Do not google. Do not. If it's painless and not causing you any discomfort, it's probably nothing. If you overexamine something, you can make mountains out of molehills.

You might even just be dehydrated, I think the tongue goes paler when we're not hydrated enough.

04-08-15, 21:25
Lol it won't be nothing bad salt water gargle twice a day ,stay away from fizzy drink acidic foods and spicy foods for 2 weeks bet it will be gone positive thoughts good on you not googling

05-08-15, 17:36
I think it's just one of the many dots I have on my tongue except this one is by itself and not in a group of dots. It's the same colour and everything so I ain't worrying.

21-08-15, 00:07
Nope its still here... ugh. I dont even know what it is. I cant be asked to go to the docs again. Its probaby anatomy and thats it.

21-08-15, 00:12
This is your fear du jour. You've posted a lot about this. For what it's worth, it would be best just to stop shining a torch in your mouth looking for things to worry about. Mouths are full of funky bumps and colors and with HA, that means unnecessary worry.

Positive thoughts

21-08-15, 19:03
Yep ....as above .

Sounds like what i get all the time i thought it was a raised taste bud had them on / off for 20 years so no need to worry imho

21-08-15, 20:03
This is your fear du jour. You've posted a lot about this. For what it's worth, it would be best just to stop shining a torch in your mouth looking for things to worry about. Mouths are full of funky bumps and colors and with HA, that means unnecessary worry.

Positive thoughts

This is so true. I could find at least 3 or 4 things that make my HA flare up whenever I shine a torch in my mouth. I wish I could disable the torch button on my iPhone...even then I'd probably still find a way.:doh:

22-08-15, 19:06
Yep I know, I've been subconsciously finding things in my mouth and this is the 8th thing I've worried about in my mouth. I wish I could use a picture but I don't know how to do it...

---------- Post added at 19:06 ---------- Previous post was at 18:28 ----------

But it is rare though right? For these type of things to end up beng serious? Is it rare?