View Full Version : Post of pure positivity

05-08-15, 09:29
Morning all,

I thought while I was feeling optimistic and positive I would share a bit with you all. I was just in the shower thinking how nomorepanic has helped me so much and how brave the people on there are. Fear doesn't make you weak, everyone faces fear but the fact we keep on going despite our fears following us quite literally everywhere we go is true courage.

All that stands in the way of you and happiness is optimism. Optimism is within you, therefore nothing stands in your way!

Don't dread the mornings, see them as a day closer to recovery, and another chance to conquer something you didn't yesterday.

Anxiety is not your life, has not and can not steal your life it is impossible. Anxiety is a small part of you, trying desperately to claim you because you won't buckle because of it.

Any time you feel the fear and carry on, know that you are laughing in the face of anxiety.

When you feel yourself again but it passes, don't mourn for it, simply know that peace and tranquillity is still there waiting for you.

Be thankful for what we have, time, support, friendship, love, nature, food, fluffy companions. If you feel like you don't have any of this find your own list, no two people are the same. You always have something that someone somewhere would love to have.

Help someone today. Reassure someone. Thank someone. Reach out to someone. Compliment. Buy or make someone a surprise gift. Send someone a random funny email. Contact an old friend. Send a nice picture to a family member. Reminisce with friends. Look through old photos.

Go to bed not waiting for the cure, but focused on the good you did today and the chance to do even more tomorrow.

blue moon
05-08-15, 09:44
That is lovely and true:hugs:I try to pay it fotward everyday.I say to myself Life really is beautiful and always try to focus on the positive.

Thank you for your post

Petra x:D

05-08-15, 10:07
Thanks Petra, I find it makes all the difference. Hope you have a good day! :D

blue moon
05-08-15, 10:17
It is 7.30pm here and I am snuggled up in bed feeling happy,even tho I have à cold and my husband said ....barking like dog.lol. You have a beautiful dày:D

05-08-15, 10:21
Oh of course you're in Oz. Lol my brain couldn't process you being in Oz and having a penguin as your profile pic! Hope your cold buggers off, atleast you feel happy which is the best feeling there is.

05-08-15, 12:38
Lovely Bekw! So nice to read positive posts xxx

05-08-15, 15:28
nice post bekw,well done for being so positive and sharing it with others

05-08-15, 16:15
Brilliant post hon, exactly what we need to think xxx :hugs:

05-08-15, 17:34
Great positive post.... we love them on NMP!


05-08-15, 22:26
Thanks all!