View Full Version : Appendicitis phobia

05-08-15, 13:48
I don`t know why this thing is constantly on my mind. It has been since years. I`m constantly checking for symptoms and when I feel even the slightest pain in my abdomen I freak out. I know it`s easily treated but I really don`t know... I can`t explain why I`m so afraid of it. Sometimes I have stomach ache because of my anxiety and I interpret it as a symptom of an inflamed appndix, even though I know it`s not. I constantly freak out even when someone talks about it... I sweat, feel sick and I even feel like I`m dying. Help :weep:

09-08-15, 19:47
i am exactly the same as you i just had a shooting pain in the right lower abdoman and stomach aches but i have ibs. but if you had apendacitis you would be on the floor doubled up in pain you thought you might have ibs ?

09-08-15, 20:04
I had appendicitis years back. The doctor did not remove it and cured it using antibiotics. Then I developed this fear for next few months. Every stomach ache I used to think it's appendicitis. From my experience I will say that the pain is really bad. You will know when it is appendicitis so don't worry. Small aches come and go. Try not to focus too much and trust your body

09-08-15, 20:24
Some people who had their appendix removed told me that the pain is not so strong all the time but it`s constant, it does not come and go. They also had no appetite, vomited and so on. But I don`t know why this is such a big fear for me. I hate the thought of a ruptured appendix, it gives me chills

09-08-15, 20:29
Yes I also had vomiting. Appendicitis can be chronic or acute. Yes my pain was constant over night, I decided to wait the night and when it didn't go I went to the doctor. If your pain comes and goes it might be gas or indigestion. Rest assured your body will signal you if something is wrong so don't worry. If you find worrying too much talk to your GP about the anxiety. Might help

09-08-15, 22:37
Yes I also had vomiting. Appendicitis can be chronic or acute. Yes my pain was constant over night, I decided to wait the night and when it didn't go I went to the doctor. If your pain comes and goes it might be gas or indigestion. Rest assured your body will signal you if something is wrong so don't worry. If you find worrying too much talk to your GP about the anxiety. Might help

One more question, you had pain only in your lower right side or in the whole abdomen?

---------- Post added at 21:37 ---------- Previous post was at 21:35 ----------

i am exactly the same as you i just had a shooting pain in the right lower abdoman and stomach aches but i have ibs. but if you had apendacitis you would be on the floor doubled up in pain you thought you might have ibs ?

I don`t know... Sometimes i don`t even know if the pain is real or a product of my health anxiety because when i distract myself i forget about everything and i feel no pain. But when i think about appendicitis something just doesn`t feel right. It`s not a pain but rather some discomfort, and only some days when my anxiety is high

09-08-15, 22:43
I don't really remember well now where the pain was. All I remember is that it was bad. Didn't let me sleep whole night

09-08-15, 22:48
I had to have my appendix removed two years ago. The pain is intense, I was sick and could not stand up straight. I can take quite a lot of pain but this one made me go to A&E and they kept me in and did the operation straight away, no big trauma. I was out 3-4 days later xxx

09-08-15, 22:52
Some people who had their appendix removed told me that the pain is not so strong all the time but it`s constant, it does not come and go. They also had no appetite, vomited and so on. But I don`t know why this is such a big fear for me. I hate the thought of a ruptured appendix, it gives me chills
When I was seven (so we're talking the early 1970s :wacko:), I had appendicitis - twice! The first time it was treated with antibiotics and a few days later I was home. The thing I remember most about that was begging my family to let some of my fireworks off before I went into hospital - it was November 5th after all!

The second time was some six months later, and it was frightening. I was doubled up in pain, had diarrhoea and was constantly vomiting. The pain was more over the left side of my abdomen though, but I was admitted as an emergency case (it was a Sunday afternoon) and it was later discovered that it had indeed ruptured. I then spent two weeks in an isolation unit away from the main hospital before coming home.

Trust me: if you have appendicitis, you will be left in no doubt about it. It's not a pain that comes and goes; it's constant, and it's inescapable. To my unqualified mind, your anxiety is not helping you and that in all probability is what it is, but consider that it might be IBS too.

10-08-15, 14:49
I have had this fear for years too. It all started when I had a severe urine infection years ago and the pain was so sharp and mostly around my lower right side which is where appendicitis strikes. Ever since then, any stomach ache I get, minor or major, my mind instantly jumps to appendicitis, even if the pain is nowhere near my right side! My doctor told me that when I have that fear to stand on my tip toes and then quickly put my feet back down full force and if I didn't fall down in utter agony, its not appendicitis. Little things like that help when I am in that state. I know if I did have it, the pain would be constant and horrendous but its hard to tell that to a mind taken over by health anxiety.

16-08-15, 19:41
I hate this! Appendicitis is always on my mind even subconscious. Iworry about other things too but the worry about appendicitis is always there. I don`t know why i find it so so scary