View Full Version : Anyone else got these?

05-08-15, 17:43
When I pull my lip down and look inside my mouth (between the bottom lip and the gums area). I have a bunch of lumps and bumps. Most of them are just tiny spots and three of them are small slightly raised and a tiny bit white but mostly flesh coloured skin bumps. One is near the gums, the other is near the one I just mentioned and the last one I can see is on the other side of the lip/gum area. I only noticed these because of my HA and I noticed one of them back in May. There is not discomfort, no pain and no itching. I haver really looked in that part of my mouth ever apart from when I got ulcers. There don't look like ulcers or canker sores and they look like they are just part of my mouth. Anyone else got these? They are only really noticeable when I pull my lip down to look. This will probably be my last question in a while because I have posted loads recently.

05-08-15, 17:49
After peering into the mirror clutching my lower lip the answer is yes mine looks all lumpy and bumpy with some a bit whiter than others. I remember 30 years ago feeling lumps here and also in my lower lip with my tongue and rushing off to Dr who was totally bemosed as she said this was normal part of anatomy.

05-08-15, 17:57
Hello :)

Yes I also have these, I think most people do. They're salivary glands or something. I have a couple of big ones inside my lip as well which freaked me out a bit but I now know they're totally normal.

You have absolutely nothing to worry about!

05-08-15, 18:26
Thank you so much for replying. Pheeeewww that's a relief :)

06-08-15, 11:36
This was what I exactly thought when I looked at it first time few years back. Turns out they are totally normal, so you need not worry

07-08-15, 16:40
Yeah thanks for reassurence. I worried about these slightly raised patches for ages so it's good to get some relief.

07-08-15, 17:38
I saw a maxiofacial surgeon as i got myself into such a panic salivary glands they move about under skin

07-08-15, 21:53
I have them, never actually worried about them I was just curious about them once. Thanks emmalj0 for finally telling me what they are :).