View Full Version : 24/7 headaches feel sick can't eat

05-08-15, 18:56
Sorry I'm posting again but I'm genuinely terrified that I'm dying :( had a headache for 6 days straight doc prescribed ibuprofen and it isn't working nor does paracetamol. The other thing terrifying me is I haven't been able to eat hardly anything since Sunday :( having a banana to take my ibuprofen but other than that feel sick yo my stomach (not anxiety type sick like bug sick) I'm convinced im dying :/ got an appointment tomorrow but feel ill with worry.

06-08-15, 04:33
Hi Alamie, could this be a stomach virus? It may be a good idea to visit your local ER just to dispel the anxiety over what this could be. Don't assume this is life-threatening. I know it's hard not to do but it really is the least likely of possibilities and for some reason when you have health anxiety it seems like every symptom is a sign of terminal disease but they aren't. I hope you get the medication you need and feel better soon.

06-08-15, 14:36
you are not dying although it may feel like you are :-)...ive had a headache every day for about a month and half so i bit the bullet and did a ct scan..its a sinus infection..doesnt make it any less painful but at least i know what it is and what is isnt..on day 3 of antibiotics now and feeling a little bit better..also doc wants to see me on aug 17 for follow up so i know she takes me seriously now that i have x-rays to back up my claims of pain.

.my advice to you would be to see a doc and see if they can see anything via physical examination...if not then see if they can order a ct scan for you so they can see what is going on in there..honestly for me after a month i was at the point where i honestly did not care if there was a tumor in there as long as somebody could figure out what was causing my pain and do something for it..you deserve to live your life without constant pain

06-08-15, 14:47
Chances are its a virus but your Dr should take you seriously. PLease tell them about your fear of brain tumour or whatever it is you fear. As your in the UK then getting a ct scan is not something that can be done via your GP quickly but if your GP thinks your headache could be from a serious cause then he will send you to hospital.

Let us know how you go on.

07-08-15, 16:02
Thank you for your replies. Been back to gp who has took me off ibuprofen and said to just use paracetamol for headaches which isn't doing much at all :( she said she's not worried about it being a tumour as she checked behind my eyes and said they look healthy which indicates nothing scary plus the fact the headache keeps moving around. If she thought it was serious shed send me for a scan wouldn't she? Do you think because she's not worried that's a good thing and there's probably nothing wrong? As for sickness she's had me do a stool ssmple to check for a stomach bug and if it shows no bug she will send me for a camera. I have to keep a headache diary. She thinks its daily tension headaches.

Gowhitesox - what type of headaches were hou getting abd were they literally 24/7? See I thought sinuses but she said because I don't have cokd symptoms or a snotty nose it isn't :/

07-08-15, 16:19
my headaches are pressure headaches above my eyes and inside my ears..kind of like the feeling you get in your head on descent of an airplane...the pressure is always there to varying degrees, the ear pain flares up once in a while although the ears have been much better since i started taking azithromycin (antibiotics this week)..also accompanied by lots of snot in the sinus around my right eye (which is where they found the infection), apparently this prevents air from moving around my skull and causes the pressure/airplane feeling...on day 4 of 10 day course of antibiotics and i feel it is helping somewhat..not all the way better yet though

one thing doctors told me is that most people who have brain tumors the first symptom they present with is not headache..usually vision problems, vomiting etc..

there are 2 types of doctors who can help you..if your headaches are due to allergies/sinus like mine appear to be then an ent can help you...course of action would probably be antibiotics (im on azithromycin and if that doesnt work probably go to levaquin), allergy test to determine if you are allergic to something then a course of allergy shots to make you less susecptible...

if its neuro/muscular then a neurologist can help alot of headaches are caused by the muscles in the side of your neck being permanently tensed in that case there is a med called amitryptiline they usually prescribe for that, could also be tmj related in which case they can fit you for a mouthguard when you sleep which will relieve the inflammation in the joint..that joint can mess up your whole head if its out of whack