View Full Version : Plane Emissions Worry

05-08-15, 19:44
Hi there,

I am moving to an area that is about 12 miles from an airport and the planes coming in are low but not that low, the noise isn't too bad but I am very worried about the planes emissions, the NO2 and Particulate Matter.

I have spent hours researching this and have found out that it is not great to live on top of an airport but that the emissions are at their worst when the plane is at cruising altitude, but what I can't seem to find out is that when the plane is lowering in the sky, are these nasty emissions worse than if you are in another area where the plane may be higher, I am guessing the emissions gradually fall down to earth anyway and are affected by the weather and wind systems.

I found out that in India they are very affected by the European flights despite none flying above because of the wind carrying the emissions.

But anyway, because I have anxiety this has caused me to go in to panic mode and despite my hours of research, all I can find out is how bad these emissions are and how living right near an airport is bad but not if you live a bit further out, and I am becoming very stressed over it. Please can someone offer any help?

Thank you :shrug:

06-08-15, 08:05
That's the problem with searching for info on your fears. You just find evidence supporting your fear.

If airports were killing people in large amounts I'd imagine health and safety and human rights groups would be making it very high profile. Before anything like this is built surely they have to show how it's not going to cause any harm.

There is an airport across the valley to me and I see them landing and taking off all day and I love it. I work in the flight path regularly and it's a good postcode with many huge expensive houses there. I doubt they'd be there if they felt they were in serious danger.

Maybe search for evidence online debunking fears about airports.

06-08-15, 18:05
Thank you Oosh, that is comforting to hear and it is nice to read about you actually enjoying the planes :) (I do too normally)
I did speak to environmental health today and they did say the pollution level in the area is negligible - I think the combination of anxiety and trying to find an 'absolute' becomes an obsession in an uncertain world sometimes. Thank you for your reply :)

06-08-15, 18:09
Curious fear/concern...

We live in an industrial society. Anyone residing near a city is exposed to pollutants far and above what airliner would emit (factories, automobiles etc.). Other than the noise, I can't see how this would be a deterrent to living location.

Positive thoughts