View Full Version : EX GF broke it off because of panic attacks and anxiety

05-08-15, 22:00
Good morning,

I hope I am posting in the correct forum. Art the start of 2014 I started dating a girl. We went out for about 3 months until she admitted that she was not over her ex and needed to be by herself and get through some of the emotional baggage she has. I supported this decision and said I would stay by her as a friend. Over the next few months we would see each other now and then to catch up, it was hard for me because I had strong feelings for her and wanted more but understood that people have always abandoned her. We continued catching up now and then until last October. Then we didn't speak for months. Earlier this year in January, she said she wanted to catch up which I agreed to. The relationship blossomed as she felt she was happy with me and really sure about herself that she was ready for another relationship. As the relationship progressed I learnt from her that her ex boyfriend was a narcissist and treated her very badly. She was emotionally abused while she lived with him in Australia for a year and half, and was also physically abused, he used to choke her. In the last few months I noticed that she was getting more distant with me, however, I ignored this and thought she was just doing her own thing in life. However, three weeks ago she said that she needed to step back away from us and concentrate on herself. She said she was seeing a councilor which I was very happy about. I said I would go through this journey together with her, however, she said she needed to do this by herself, she needed to learn to trust herself and her decisions. The reason for her distance with me in the last few months was that she would get panic attacks and anxiety when seeing me. She said she is terrified of commitment and to give herself to me. She said she has not been herself for the past 2 years since breaking up her ex, she said she used to be such a loving person but hasn't been herself and needs to work hard to find herself again. I ended it by saying that I love her and respect her decision. I told her that whatever happens I just want her to be happy. I asked if there would be another chance for us in the future and she said that what will be, will be, but to not put my life on hold while she sorts herself out. recently she txt me yesterday because I had given her a birthday gift and she asked if we could catch up soon. I told her that, she knows how I feel about her and I just cant "catch up", however, I would always be there for her if she needed me. She said she understood and respected my decision. My question is have I ruined this for any potential future with us? She took a step back so she can heal, and I need to do the same thing. The other question was I have stood by this girl, and understand that she has gone through some terrible experiences, once she finds herself and works through her issues with her councilor would she try and possibly come back into my life? I love this girl, but like ive said, whatever happens, whether it be with me, or someone else, I just want her to be happy and work through her panic and anxiety.

06-08-15, 19:03
Been there done that! We all have baggage but there's a big difference between a carry on bag and packing for a European tour. There's no harm in having warm feelings and wishing her well but as difficult as it is, it's best to step away, heal and move on with your life.

Positive thoughts

06-08-15, 21:47
Oh really. Have you had a similar experience? Did she try and come back again into your life?

06-08-15, 22:23
Hi Chingy
I don't really know because I don't know her personally but as a woman, all this I need my space etc doesn't sound too promising. If she was wanting a relationship and considering how nice you have been and how you have supported her, she would have been with you and had her space to sort out whatever she had to sort out.
People you love can't be picked up and put down at convenience so, as Fish says I would step away, do your own thing and if she ever wants back maybe you don't any longer...x

06-08-15, 22:29
yes i agree. I have stood by her side and done my absolute best. She is counselling for her issues, but i think they will continue to plague her. She has come back once before and who knows what will happen now.

06-08-15, 23:25
Oh really. Have you had a similar experience? Did she try and come back again into your life?

Yes, and it was a "no" from me. I wasn't into the drama. Having been previously married to a woman with severe depression manifesting into hoarding for 14 years, and dated my share of... um.... "mentally interesting" women, I wasn't going down that path again.

Positive thoughts

07-08-15, 00:22
thanks fishmanpa. really sound and straight forward advice. ive felt like ive stood by her and done my absolute best and love the girl. but at the end of the day i cant save her, and she will probably continue to feel the way she always has

07-08-15, 23:40
thanks fishmanpa. really sound and straight forward advice. ive felt like ive stood by her and done my absolute best and love the girl. but at the end of the day i cant save her, and she will probably continue to feel the way she always has

That's all you can and should do. Keep her at arms distance for your own sanity. When you care for someone as you do, of course you want to help them. Ultimately, the person struggling has to want to help themselves.

When my 1st wife was really struggling, I tried desperately to get her to seek help. Eventually, I was able to persuade her to go to couples therapy with me. After two sessions, the therapist wanted to see us separately as the issues had reached the critical point. She stopped going after two sessions. I knew then it was fruitless. That was effectively the end of the marriage. She had given up on us and herself. It was very difficult as we had young children but ultimately, separation and divorce was the best for all involved. The divorce was amicable and we remained cordial and united when it came to the children. Now that the kids are grown and on their own, our interaction has dwindled to a minimum. She finally sought help and is recovering. It only took 15 years!

So.... yeah... this woman, from what you describe, has quite a journey ahead of her. I know it sucks, especially when you have sincere feelings but I assure you, it's for the best and it will get easier. It also will be a learning experience and you'll be able to recognize red flags sooner in future relationship scenarios.

Positive thoughts