View Full Version : Feel like a pyscho this morning

06-08-15, 09:32
Checked the back of my throat, and there's a skin colour white patch blister looking thing that has came on the flap in front of my tonsil it's appeared over last 2 days don't know if it's irritation from salt water gargle or mouth wash gargles or what if it's something worse I am in full blown panic mode and my mrs said she cent see it but I can see it and it's new I feel absolutely broken and in full blown panic I tried to reassure myself but I couldn't I feel sick with worry i stop and try and calm and think it must be from the gargle that's irratated it, but then what If comes back out to play I hate this anxiety why did I even look in my mouth I know I shouldn't look for things grrrrrrrrr full blown panic mode

06-08-15, 09:48
Could it be the skin healing? It's just before you said there was a hole and I just wondered if it was part of the healing process,

It certainly doesn't sound like it's anything sinister. I know that won't help when your HA is in full flow it's hard to be rational but if your wife can't see anything then it probably isn't anything.

Our biggest problem is that we scrutinize our bodies so much we notice every single change and 99.9% are normal things happening that people without anxiety wouldn't even notice.

It's like my urine checking, I'm obsessed and convinced it has a tinge to it and keep thinking is it blood. When I asked my mum she couldn't see a thing, she thought there was nothing wrong with it but I'm still not convinced.

06-08-15, 11:39
Give it a week or two and if it does not go away check with GP. Most of them are harmless, I had white patch due to some infection, cleared up in a week. Do you have sore throat or something, does it hurt to swallow?

06-08-15, 15:03
It doesnt hurt at all i think personally as it wasnt there 2 days ago all i can put it down to is the new mouth wash i been using as its very strong, i started that 2 days ago it looks like a white burn sort of thing on the flap infront of the tonsil, i dont think its anything bad gonna stop mouth wash for a while and drink lots of water nothing acidic im sure it will go

06-08-15, 15:06
Yeah sounds like that :)

06-08-15, 15:29
Oh yeah could well be, I can't use many mouth washes they literally burn the inside of my mouth like crazy and I end up with mouth ulcers!

So if you are using one of the strong ones like Listerine it could well have caused a sore patch.

06-08-15, 16:15
it feels stronger than listerine i crnt even keep it in my mouth still for long or it starts to burn my toung etc it must be it haha, Im such a idiot, really am, I do want to keep using it but i dont want it to get worse haha, god if you saw me this morning i was mental had like major panic attack my mrs was looking and saying its nothin there and i was like look at it its not normal haha shes like its fine im like its not look at it haha

06-08-15, 16:34
I can imagine, I was exactly the same making my poor mum inspect my pee as I was sure it had a funny colour. She kept saying "what it's normal, in fact it looks really clear and healthy" Our HA is notorious at playing tricks on us.

I was going to reply to this thread again anyway because I suddenly remembered that when I was having ongoing problems with my throat and tonsils many years ago, I always used to gargle with a weak solution of TCP.

Admittedly it doesn't smell great but honestly it put paid to a whole host of throat problems I was having including tonsil stones and big lumps on my tonsils, so might be worth giving something like that a go. It honestly doesn't taste as bad as you think especially when diluted.

06-08-15, 17:01
yeah i will get some tomorrow thank you i completly forgot about tcp i dont mind gargling that i might even have some in the cuboard somewhere lol