View Full Version : All night panick attacks and hot flushes

05-02-07, 19:53
Hello! Yesterday I finally got out the house and went over my sister house to watch the Super Bowl. My daughter who is 13 years old ask me if I can come with her and my son over my sister. So at first I told her I felt to bad, kept thinking that if I go over there around many people that I will have a attact. So the thought kept comeing to my mine negative thoughts. The more I thought about it ther worst I got. Some how I convinced my self that I am going, let the panick come on and dont fight it..Imediatly I felt better. The feelings and fear went away.

Okay I was doing good over my sis, but all of sudden the sick feelings come back, I just felt like I was there but I just couldnt get focus..Well as the nite went of I felt better. So as we left on the way home, I felt the panick attack comeing on. I went in the house and there go a full blown attack came on..I was shakeing as if I was having a nervous breakdown.. My daughter was next to me as I was shaking from the chills. I kept breathin in my bag, constantly and I just couldnt get focus and relax. I think I got scared again which I tried to just ride it out. But had a really hard time. So my daughter called her aunt and she prayed and prayed for me over the phone I started crying because I got scared of the attack. Well after she pray for me about a hour a so, I got worn out and I stop shaking before I got off the phone with her. I finnally dripped off to sleep and woke up about 4am. with the hot flushes. I couldnt go back to sleep until about 9am. as I relaxed and breath in the bag..I am woke again and I am still burning up inside with the hot flushes and panick. Does anyone have the hot flushes alot?? And how do get relieve from them? I have a cold towel on my chest and I am still in heat. Just praying I dont go back into this bad attack..Well one thang I accomplish was leaving the house yesterday, which I havent visit no one in a long time. I just need some support today.Thanks!!!

05-02-07, 22:10
Stay positive remember what you have achieved today and build on it. You are taking the first steps to recovery even though it may not feel like it. Weather it takes weeks/months/years you WILL rid yourself of these feelings and one day with determination and inner strength you will be free again. Tommorow is a new day,a new start. keep in touch


05-02-07, 22:55

Read what you posted mate, you coped and didnt give in, isnt that worth a big pat on the back. You didnt have to go you could have said no but you didnt. Yeah i burn up with panic attacks and you are no way alone in how you feel and you cope really well mate.

Take this and look at it as a great achievement for you, which it surely is.

Big hugs and admiration to you mate.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

"Life is a distance and to travel that distance you were given the strength and guidance to do so".

05-02-07, 23:02
i suffer panic but hav only started with the hot flushes, mom keeps telling me its my age, im43. i seem to get hot under my chest rite up to top of my head, found cold cloth on my forehead helps, still working on what helps panics, u did brill to go out. well done, dont think of what u didnt acheive but on what u did. get a diary and rite it down then u can look back and see. i found this also helps with panics, i rite them down then when im having really bad 1 were i think this is it im dying, i can look back and see lots of other times when i wrote the same. hope this helps bit
