View Full Version : Feel so angry

natalie yog
06-08-15, 14:51
I'm probably the most quiet and shy person you'd ever meet I can't even talk on phones or go up to the cashier in the shops to buy anything but today something happened.
When I took my Uncle's dog for a walk I bumped into someone I haven't met in years and while we were talking she told me she was seeing a therapist due to stress so I decided to tell her what I was going through (my whole anxiety/depression/brain tumour fear). That's when she told me that 'Oh my friend had the exact same problem with her balance for years her dr and optician missed it and now she has an inoperable tumour'. Right then I felt like the world around me was melting and nothing felt real around me. I just turned to grab hold of anything that would keep me up right while everything began spinning and all she could do was laughing and say 'Oh don't worry I'm sure this won't happen to you'. That's when something in me just snapped and I told her to go and f*** off.
That's when my whole day started going downhill just when I was actually starting to believe everything my dr/optician said to me and down I feel like I'm back at square 1.
Now I have to say I never got along with this person through school and she actually bullied and took advantage that I was a quiet person. So I'm actually thinking could she have said that to be spiteful?

06-08-15, 14:56
ugh...so sorry that happened to you
try and keep in mind that for every 1 person who had those symptoms and had cancer, there are a 1000 that had those symptoms and didnt..that is the reality

06-08-15, 14:58
No I guess people bring up references all the time. Plus no one knows how a single statement can cause such big impact on a person with HA except people who suffer from HA.
It was kind of a simple statement, but I know how hard it is cause I have been in a similar situation. The person said something and all I could do was focus on those words, that one seemingly innocent statement.
I would say that just let that whole thing go, dont think about it if possible.

natalie yog
06-08-15, 15:00
Yeah I'm trying to but she seemed very excited when she said it.

06-08-15, 15:01
also given that you told this person about your health anxiety and they still proceeded to scare you like that was extremely insensitve and borderline sociopathic..i guess its a good thing they are in therapy they need it

06-08-15, 15:01
People are always excited citing references, I have seen so many of them all bubble saying oh I know someone who was in some blah blah situation, human nature :)

06-08-15, 16:06
I don't think it was deliberate on their part just completely insensitive. Some people in this world are just like that.
Even now after 15 years of illness my mum still comes out with some "corkers" like "why don't you just have a run round the block"!!!!! Now I just say " If it was that easy mum don't you think I would have done that years ago!!!!"


06-08-15, 17:26
Now I have to say I never got along with this person through school and she actually bullied and took advantage that I was a quiet person. So I'm actually thinking could she have said that to be spiteful?

Knowing this now, yes. I'm pretty sure there's something wrong with this person. They probably thought they were being funny at your expense. I doubt the person she was talking about even exists.

Honestly, I don't know how many bullies go on to morph into a nice people once they hit adulthood. It could happen and I'm sure it does but in order to be a bully (especially a very cruel one) you need to have a particular temperament, like a tendency toward low empathy.

Try to dismiss what she said, I know it's difficult but it may not even have been a real story :hugs:

06-08-15, 19:11
Horrible, Us with health anxiety take it the wrong way where as somebody who dont suffer from health anxiety wouldnt take it in and process it the same way we do , But some people dont know how it effects us, until it happens to them, you are absolutely fine please dont worry and dont let it sink you into a low depressive mood, You have had your test and your fine, xxxxxxxxxxx

natalie yog
07-08-15, 20:07
Thanks everyone for replying. Had a crappy day because I can't stop thinking about what she said. So I've downloaded some concentration games on my phone to focus on. I still have to wait 5 days until I see the counsellor.

07-08-15, 21:29
I bet it wasn't true!!! Too much of a coincidence. I don't like confrontation but I think you did well to tell her to foff

07-08-15, 21:43
Haven't read your previous posts, but if you are afraid of brain tumor, or have some balance issues or optic issues and you told her that then most certainly she was just messing with you. Was it funny? Not really, but that is another topic...