View Full Version : Spinal cancer?? :(

06-08-15, 15:35
As some of you who have read my previous thread know, I'm pretty much at my wits end :( My neurological symptoms are driving me mad, I only have an ultrasound lined up for my back lump and I probably won't get it til next month, and last night I just couldn't sleep because whatever way I tried to position myself, my legs just started twitching/numbing/tingling. Now I currently have a little bit of discomfort in my right foor and some in my left wrist :(

Really scared it might be spinal cancer even though docs said no, I'm now looking at private clinics to get an xray and maybe a very expensive MRI done :( I've had very loose stools for more than 4 weeks now and it seems I lost a kilo of weight within two days, with barely going to the loo and eating heftily yesterday evening! Does anyone have any suggestions or knowledge on this sorta thing? :sad: My only conclussions now are either spinal tumors or the start of paralysis :sad:

06-08-15, 21:40
And now I had a sudden twitch in my thumb out of nowhere. Hope to heavens this is anxiety related. I signed up for a private chiropractor clinic that does diagnostic screening, but I'm scared to hear what they have to say :sad:

06-08-15, 22:39
I have been in pain for the last 4 months, mainly ankles, wrists and my muscles in my shins and forearms are the worst , I also have tight muscle in my left chest and left bicep, had blood test for any inflammatory goings on but all negative so why all the pain and tension.. I haven't seen your previous thread so not sure how it started for you .

09-08-15, 20:28
If it's mainly muscle pain, have you tried seeing a massage therapist?

Got my ultrasound lined up in two days, I'm really scared of what the radiologist will tell me :( Not in a happy place right now...

12-08-15, 23:37
Hey did you get the results and yes I massage my wrists and ankles daily as well as stretch 😀

16-08-15, 17:43
Hey I did get the results straight there, they said the lump was a lipoma, so nothing serious and most likely has nothing to do with my current symptoms. It's a good thing, but still haven't got a clue what's wrong with me!

18-08-15, 21:54
So pleased for you the results came back ok:hugs:.. I have my results tomorrow from my endocrinologist which I am also scared of to see if they diagnosed me correctly two years ago with Addison's disease as I am still not feeling ok, but is that the anxiety??? X