View Full Version : I dont know what to do anymore

06-08-15, 17:57
Well heres my story....

Started having palpitations last year passed out and BANNNNGG..... panic attacks galore i didnt even no thats what they were thought i was dying... had ECG's and blood tests the doctor said it was anxiety. Then slowly came the health anxiety.. I did get a lot better after some cognitive behavioural therapy but the good times only lasted 4 months and back it came like a bad smell... iv had another bout of CBT but i dont feel like its work im not having so much of the full blown panic attacks anymore (touch wood) but the health anxiety is rampant....

I feel like a crazy person i want to scan and check my pulse, i workin in a hospital so i want to check my blood pressure all the time and get the midwives to take my blood so i cant see if theres any abnormalities i haven't done yet and im trying to stop my self so much but its so hard....

every symptom or sensation i just want to cry... Palpitations, light headed is the worst one and i almost feel a bit woozy like i cant concentrate properly i think all sorts of things like my heart isnt beating strong enough, so not enough oxygen is getting to my head thats why im light headed, something is wrong with my heart, iv got a brain tumour or somethings growing in my head...

I dont no how to cope anymore i just want to stay in bed and cry all the time.. i guess i just dont want to feel alone anymore nobody truely understands :(

sorry for the long post guys :(

06-08-15, 18:09
Aww I know exactly how you feel it's horrible isn't it? :weep:

Have you tried medication for treating it? I'm on anti depressants for my health anxiety. Definitely notice a HUGE decrease in the annoying little body sensations. However, I feel quite down at the minute - not sure if it's the medication causing it, going to go back to the doctor soon as maybe I need a higher dosage.

Hang in there :) We all have good days and bad, eventually you will learn to push them to the back of your mind.

I remember when I first started getting anxiety I thought I was dying too. Had weird body zaps all over my legs and arms for about a week, it was horrible!

Hope you feel better soon

- Therese x

06-08-15, 18:18
Exactly the same as me. I get all those symptoms. You can read my post history to see I've been posting about the same sort of things

I have blood pressure machines at home and using them reassures me in the short term but probably fuels the anxiety long term.

CBT and hypnosis didn't help me at all.

I've recently read a book called At Last A Life by Paul David and its spoken to me more than CBT did. I'm trying to put into practice some of the recommendations of that book but it's hard. It's the only thing that makes sense so far though. The basic premise is stop trying to feel better. Don't give it any focus, don't talk about it, don't do any checking, don't try diets or supplements. Basically ignore it and it'll eventually go.

06-08-15, 18:57
Thanks Damian i'll try the book anythings worth a shot..

---------- Post added at 18:57 ---------- Previous post was at 18:53 ----------

Hi Therese

I have considered medication and i actually made an appointment for 2 weeks to discuss it with my GP i was prescribed prozac in janurary and of course having health anxiety i read the leaflet and the side effects listed was enough to put me off for life.. I am worried about medication which is the reason iv been dead against it as people say it effects your ability to feels things and i really dont want to be numb i just want to be able to lead a normal life which i am currently doing still... but it effects my work when i do feel anxious and i work 13 hour shifts so its always a high possiblity i will feel anxious at some point during my shift...

I just dont know... xx