View Full Version : panicking really bad

06-08-15, 22:01
really need to talk :weep:

my son went off on holiday to malia on tuesday, he txted wednesday night saying he was homesick :weep:

he rang me this morning said he was ok - n that he was hungover, he also had a sore throat - I said it could be the air conditioning -

he rang again tonight - said he was ok, bit chesty n still sore throat n couldnt be bothered

he's out there with his friends 6 of them

am sitting panicking - maybe i should have told him to go see a dr. or something - am terrified something is going to happen to him - in that he's ill

i don't know what to do - am sitting crying, and panicking really bad

06-08-15, 22:10
Hi Jacki
Where is Malia and how old is your son?
Don't worry I am sure he'll be fine and if he does feel bad he will go to the chemist to get something for it or the docs or whatever x

06-08-15, 22:14
its in greece - (crete) he's 19

i suffer from genralised anxiety disorder so everything is like a catastophe to me.
i feel ill am really terrified something will happen to him -
i should have told him to go to dr's
I just hate this feeling of anxiety - and i cannot get in touch with him as he has left his phone in safe :(

06-08-15, 22:21
There are always medical centre s in every resort.
There are alway shops nearby
He's there with 6 friends. They will all look after him.
Homesickness is normal.
My 30 to daughter phoned me last year from holiday. She had gone with 12 of people 5 she didn't know.
She phoned in tears, feeling sick with hangover and not wanting to go out for a big night out with them.
I told her to get dressed take two paracetamol and not to drink but to GO OUT.
I spent the whole night WIDE AWAKE and very anxious.
Had had a couple glasses of wine, got ready and had the BEST night out if the whole holiday!!!

Couldn't believe what my night had been after that phone call.!!!

Worst case scenario. His throat gets worse.... Dr or medical centre will give him meds.
Homesick....could come home early on extra flight! Would cost money tho.

Mabey he will settle and love it!!! Hope so. Xx

06-08-15, 22:25
I am gonna txt him in morning and suggest he go to dr's its not far - i have scoured internet to learn all about the hospitals dr's mrdical centre's lol

am just really scared n panicking something will happen to him tonight :(

its his birthday today aswell :(

06-08-15, 22:27
Nothing will happen to him, he will be fine x

06-08-15, 22:30
not bothered about cost of getting him home if he wants to come - just i can't settle tonight iand he hasn't got his phone on him :( to talk to him

---------- Post added at 22:30 ---------- Previous post was at 22:29 ----------

thank you sial -

you know what its like when you suffer with anxiety though - you wont listen to anyone and i can't convince myself any different - every minute seems like an hour :(

06-08-15, 22:33
I totally understand you, I'm a Mum too.
I live in a tourist resort in Spain and all these places have all the facilities. So try to think that if he hasn't got his phone on him you can't call him tonight anyway, so just breathe deeply and think that he'll be having a great bday xx

06-08-15, 22:34
When I was 19 I went on a university trip to Berlin and stayed with 6 other girls. It was the first trip I had been on without my parents and I was in tears the first night homesick. I cried quite a few times feeling really homesick and I got a really awful cold as well so I felt miserable for a lot of the time! I tried to get an earlier flight home but ended up staying the whole time and looking back I'm glad I did!

My point is, even if we are feeling down and rubbish, we will find ways to cope and get through it alone, even if we are young! I managed to still have a great time and even went out till 4am one night with an awful sore throat! I guess it's just learning to trust that your son will manage on his own but I wouldn't be able to imagine how you feel!

06-08-15, 22:40
thanks again - it's just so hard to settle

i was bad enough with him just going away - now him not being well is making me panick really bad - my heart is thudding - feeling sick - dry mouth etc dunno if i can cope till morning :(

---------- Post added at 22:40 ---------- Previous post was at 22:36 ----------

thanks kimberly

am just feeling so helpless - it feels like he just wants his mum n am not there :(

06-08-15, 23:29
Trust me - I wanted my mum too! I just wanted to go home, but it's these experiences that we learn from the most and you've got to let him figure it out for himself. He'll definitely let you know what ever he needs from you. And he'd probably feel guilty for making you worry so much, I tend to avoid telling my mum things to save her from worrying!

07-08-15, 01:59
thats another thing - am wondering if he is feeling worse than he is and not telling me

i hate the way i am feeling - don''t think i have slept since monday :(

this is a very long week :(

---------- Post added at 01:59 ---------- Previous post was at 00:03 ----------

is anyone about ?? dozed off n woke up in a panic again

07-08-15, 17:45
after my total melt down last night - i spoke to my son this morning, still not well but still miles away -

was feeling a little better, - now am still really anxious,

i had a couple of hours sleep after work today as i was up all night so still a little tired

but am starting to think how am i going to get through tonight again and starting to get really wound up -

don't think i can keep this up till tuesday night when he gets back :weep:

07-08-15, 17:52
Sorry you're struggling so much, Tuesday must seem like really far away. Can you keep yourself busy to stay distracted? It's a situation that you don't have any control over so you just need to look after yourself and get through the weekend as best you can!

07-08-15, 17:59
thanks kimberly, every second feels like a minute and a minute like an hour

av spoke to my son he says he's feeling better, but i don't know if he just saying it to stop me worrying.

am trying everything i can to distract myself, but am not sure if its working
am usually good at controlling my panics - but i think with him being so far away it's just not working :weep:

07-08-15, 22:00
Jacki, you have to think that your son would not be happy if he knew you are suffering so much. You have to try and change your thoughts...Do you worry about him all the time when he is here? Why should something happen to him there?
If he feels homesick he can get a flight and go back home...it is not dangerous xxx

08-08-15, 06:51
I constantly worry about my kids - its my biggest trigger to my anxiety :weep:

I suffer from G.A.D. which usually means I cannot rationalise my thoughts, so him having a cold or just a sore throat - has me thinking its so much more serious
Him being so far away is making me worse, I wouldn't stop him going away with his mates I just can't cope when he is away

I am like this over my 3 kids

eternally optimistic
08-08-15, 08:44

I understand your feelings, you are a good mum worried.....

Your son will be fine and it is just one part of his life he will have learnt something.

I would be exactly the same n sick in the stomach too....


10-08-15, 19:08
ok off again panicking really badly

my son is still in malia - went on a boat party today and said he wold txt when he got back in hotel -

obviously i havn't got a txt yet and am going out me mind

anyone 1 know how safe they are and what time they usually finish ??


10-08-15, 21:14
If you think of it this way, he must be feeling better and able to enjoy himself a bit more! Did you say it's tomorrow he is coming home?

A few of my friends have been to Malia and they were completely fine, and they were just a few girls together as well! I'm sure he will text as soon as he remembers, sometimes I am guilty of forgetting to text my mum and she goes out her mind with worry as well!