View Full Version : Anxiety is running my life.

06-08-15, 22:07
I've been on this anxiety battle for nearly seven months, I'm calming down these last few days. I have an absolute amazing boyfriend who's helping me along my journey. I tried therapy and it didn't suit me as of yet as my minds in other things such as college and work. It's getting me down to the point where I want to kill myself some days. I have no where to run or nowhere to go for a few days to have a break from life in general. Nobody knows apart from boyfriend that I want to kill myself. My family just tells me to grow up or see someone professional. The only thing is its doubting me in my relationship to the point where I'm scared of it ending, I over think things and it's getting to me so much. I can't even cope with anything anymore and it doesn't sound like me, I'm usually a confident and bubbly person who used to enjoy life and max it out. I'm thinking of booking myself a holiday with a close friend for a week in Spain as I need to get away from life in general. Has anyone else had this?

07-08-15, 08:39
Did anything happen 7 months ago ?

All sorts of things can trigger these things. Then once you are worrying you get trapped in a cycle.

I like going on a holiday so I can see things from a different perspective.

You sound like you're needing a break from everything and not being able to find it. Maybe some sort of break will do you good.

08-08-15, 20:41
I've been on this anxiety battle for nearly seven months, I'm calming down these last few days. I have an absolute amazing boyfriend who's helping me along my journey. I tried therapy and it didn't suit me as of yet as my minds in other things such as college and work. It's getting me down to the point where I want to kill myself some days. I have no where to run or nowhere to go for a few days to have a break from life in general. Nobody knows apart from boyfriend that I want to kill myself. My family just tells me to grow up or see someone professional. The only thing is its doubting me in my relationship to the point where I'm scared of it ending, I over think things and it's getting to me so much. I can't even cope with anything anymore and it doesn't sound like me, I'm usually a confident and bubbly person who used to enjoy life and max it out. I'm thinking of booking myself a holiday with a close friend for a week in Spain as I need to get away from life in general. Has anyone else had this?

I think you're speaking into an echo chamber here. We've all been there. I am now.

It is hard to wake up every day and feel like you're fighting an uphill battle, where every positive is tainted by whatever thoughts you carry. Sometimes it is preferable to just want to end it. The feeling that everything is against you makes the smallest problem an unassailable task.

I think you should see someone. Not necessarily therapy; try something else. Perhaps medication; even herbal ones, because the placebo effect can be strong.

The most amazing feeling is when you're out the other side and looking back. It'll happen one day. Try and focus on all the good you have and do every day, and one day or one week soon you'll find yourself putting your head above the waves again.

08-08-15, 20:51
Even though it might seem impossible now, you WILL get better. I have been there and at the time I thought there was no way out, but I can guarantee there is.
Do you do any sport at all? That helps soooo much xx