View Full Version : Poison?Dizzy/trouble breathing/ringing in ears/feeling odd

07-08-15, 01:09
Okay so this is going to sound really weird or perhaps it wont. but I can sure use your opinion or advice.
So i was in the kitchen making a salad, cutting up like slices of lunch meat and then the usual veggies.. anyways i took a bite of the meat and i felt fine then like maybe a half hour later, i got what felt like heart burn, following by what feltl ike my throat was closing or my tongue was swelling.. following by my ears having the loudest hum. ( i get this when i feel dizzy or off balanced ) then it felt like i was trying to take a deep breath but i couldnt. ( i knew i could breath though ) but it still felt like my throat was closing

theeeennn... i dont know if it was because i was panicking or because someting was hapening but i was looking and i couldnt exactly focus 100%. like it seemed like my eyes were getting super fuzzy and nothing was sharp..
anyways now i am sitting here trying to write because i thought maybe tih was going to calm me down but im thinking that maybe i am allergic to the meat ... ( but i didnt eat anything that i wouldnt normally eat )... did i poison myself somehow? is there something that i did that is causing this reaction.. am i dying.. i dont know if i should call an ambulance.. i dont know if im just freaking out.

if i had posiioned myself would i have different symptoms.. i dont know..

i honestly dont even know why im assuming that i posiioned myself in the first place.. i dont have any poison around

now i am feeling like my chest is getting super tight, .. like above my breast bone..

im honestly freakig
i suffer from panic attacks though..
but it feels like someone is like literally pushing on my chest.. a little bit beloew my collar bone.. in the centre..

im trying to take deep breathes and calm down but i just feel really strange.. super weak but not really.. i dont know.. omg

this post seems absolutely ridiculous but i do need some helpe here.

07-08-15, 02:14
Sounds like a Panic Attack to me.
Those classic words; 'I think I am dying!' So familiar to me.
I had one just like that last week.
Just tell yourself you will be ok and think positive things and concentrate on the breathing. :)

07-08-15, 13:42
Hi Carnation,
Thanks for the reply. I too think that it was just a panic attack. They seem to be changing their course the older that I get the more symptoms I seem to have and the more they change their course. It sucks.
I wasnt even doing anything. I was making a salad lol.

Today I am feeling a little better, but i am having some chest pain and it feels like someone has their finger digging into the soft spot on my throat.

I keep thinking im going to have a heart attack.

But thank you so very much for the reply :)