View Full Version : Fissure

07-08-15, 08:41
Had a fissure a few years ago that took months to heal.
I've now got another one and its soo painful.
Any tips on dealing with this.
The pain is not helping my anxiety..

07-08-15, 15:14
Have you seen the doctor? I think they will prescribe something for it and the pain

07-08-15, 15:16
I have always heard olive oil. But never had one so not tested in first person x

07-08-15, 17:40
I'm starting to heal now from the third time having one. Unfortunately, they come back if you're not extremely careful.
Have never seen a doctor for mine and I know they do have creams for it. They don't actually heal the fissure, what they do is relax the anal area so the spasms stop. I can't give my opinions on those.
The pain..oh, the pain. Have never had anything like it. When it's at it worst, you mostly just have to bear it. At least with me, pain killers barely touch it.
I suggest: soaking your bottom in a hot bath, Tucks pads after a BM, tons of water and fiber supplements and or natural fiber, don't over eat (the less you put in, less that has to come out) and stool softeners. And lots of patience. It's going to take a while to heal.
PM me if you want. Good luck.

07-08-15, 18:54
Thanks for you replies x