View Full Version : Tanning beds, sunbathing and skin cancer

07-08-15, 10:36
I`m panicking really bad right now. Last three years, every summer i went a few times into the tanning bed, because I`m naturally really pale and I didn`t want to get sunburns at the beach. So this year, before vacation I went 5 or 6 times in the tanning bed and I got a really nice tan. At the beach I got even darker, the darkest I`ve been my whole life. And I didn`t burn.
I`ve always had fear of skin cancer but somehow ignored it. I wanted to look good at the beach. Luckily I don`t have moles on my skin. But last days I`ve been reading on the Internet about different forms of skin cancer and now I regret that I`ve made my skin so much harm. I regret the tan and the hours spent under the sun.
Are there big chances to get skin cancer when you don`t have moles on your skin? And is there a chance to repair the harm on my skin?

07-08-15, 10:54
I totally understand your worries but there really is nothing you can do to undo the sunburn you have already had. What you can do is be body aware from now on and obviously no more laying in the sun baking or going to sunbeds. All a tan signifies is you have caused damage to your skin! Be pale and interesting in future:)

I have loads of moles and other skin things and know I am at high risk of skin cancer as nearly every female in my family has had skin cancer - the ones who holidayed in hot countries and sunbathed. I can do nothing about my wonky genetics all I can do is check my skin and exisiting moles regularly and be aware.

Sadly not having moles does not preclude you from skin cancer it just means that unlike myself your risk is not as high as mine is but then I never ever sunbathe because i know my risk.

So stop worrying about the past and make sure you do the best you can with your skin for the future, not obsessive checking but just being aware of any new changes - maybe check your body every few months or so.

08-08-15, 23:42
I totally understand your worries but there really is nothing you can do to undo the sunburn you have already had. What you can do is be body aware from now on and obviously no more laying in the sun baking or going to sunbeds. All a tan signifies is you have caused damage to your skin! Be pale and interesting in future:)

I have loads of moles and other skin things and know I am at high risk of skin cancer as nearly every female in my family has had skin cancer - the ones who holidayed in hot countries and sunbathed. I can do nothing about my wonky genetics all I can do is check my skin and exisiting moles regularly and be aware.

Sadly not having moles does not preclude you from skin cancer it just means that unlike myself your risk is not as high as mine is but then I never ever sunbathe because i know my risk.

So stop worrying about the past and make sure you do the best you can with your skin for the future, not obsessive checking but just being aware of any new changes - maybe check your body every few months or so.

Thank you for the reply.
I limited the time that i spend out in the sun, when i sunbathe it`s always in the early morning or in the late afternoon and no more than 30 minutes a day. I always wear sunscreen.
Sunbeds-never more, i promised to myself:)

I`m afraid of other types of skin cancer rather than melanoma. I`m afraid that something will appear on my face and that it will cause disfigurement. And that is because i search too many things on Google. And always the worst case scenarios. I`m freaking out right now, i`m sick and tired of this HA:doh:

08-08-15, 23:56
I went through a couple of years using sunbeds. I'm pale and have a lot of scars from childhood eczema and tanning helps reduce how it looks.i also found my skin suffered less when tanned. I definitely had more than the acceptable level over those years and I'm fine 15 years later.

Tanning is a natural reaction of a chemical in the skin.

Just look after yourself going forward. People are often in the sun. My dad worked in the sun all long for over 35 years. His exposed areas are very dark.

09-08-15, 17:34
Thank you for the reply.
I limited the time that i spend out in the sun, when i sunbathe it`s always in the early morning or in the late afternoon and no more than 30 minutes a day. I always wear sunscreen.
Sunbeds-never more, i promised to myself:)

I`m afraid of other types of skin cancer rather than melanoma. I`m afraid that something will appear on my face and that it will cause disfigurement. And that is because i search too many things on Google. And always the worst case scenarios. I`m freaking out right now, i`m sick and tired of this HA:doh:

You are doing everything you can to protect yourself now from the sun so keep this up. If by any remote chance you got skin cancer on your face it would be dealt with by a plastic surgeon who are brilliant at what they do. My aunties arm was back to normal in weeks and no one would know she had had a huge chunk taken out of it as the plastic surgeon used fat from elsewhere and did a fantastic job.

10-08-15, 02:13
You are taking the precautions so you have every chance of being fine.

My dad had one form on his nose but only after 30 years of working all day 5-7 days a week in the sun without protection. Be had it a couple of years as he didn't know what it was. Even then it was simply removed in one treatment under a local with a skin graft. He could have had show cosmetic work done but he wasn't bothered at his age (seventies). The consultant said it was common to those working in the sun for many years but very treatable.

You will be fine.

10-08-15, 16:08
I`m freaking out right now because when i touch my nose there is a spot that hurts. I looked in the mirror and there is nothing, maybe it`s a small acne but under the skin. Does skin cancer hurts? I`m talking about the non-melanoma ones.

10-08-15, 16:34
u would notice it if it was skin cancer, it wouldnt be nothing there relax chill,

10-08-15, 18:43
There is definitely something... It is sore, just like an acne that is just coming out. It feels that way at least. But I saw some awful pictures on Google of basal cell carcinoma on the face and I`m so afraid I feel like fainting...
I regret going in the sunbeds sooo much
Can skin cancer be sore and be similar to acne?

10-08-15, 18:50
Easier said than done but take a breath! In fact, take several long and slow breathes and try to calm down. Maybe log off the forum and watch a movie or listen to music. Find something to distract yourself. You're spiraling for no reason. As people have said, use common sense from here on out. You can't control the past but you can control how you approach the future and that's all you can do.

Positive thoughts

15-08-15, 22:40
I found that tanning helps me with my anxiety. It has an antidepressant effect on me, if that makes sense. When I`m out in the sun i feel joy and happiness. Maybe it`s bad for the skin but it really helps me feel better. If i tan for 30 minutes in the early morning, is it still so dangerous? I always wear sunscreen SPF 30 at least

15-08-15, 22:47
I found that tanning helps me with my anxiety. It has an antidepressant effect on me, if that makes sense. When I`m out in the sun i feel joy and happiness. Maybe it`s bad for the skin but it really helps me feel better. If i tan for 30 minutes in the early morning, is it still so dangerous? I always wear sunscreen SPF 30 at least

But you started this thread in a panic because of skin cancer fears.

Positive thoughts

15-08-15, 23:01
That`s true, i still fear it, that`s why i`m extremely careful when i go out in the sun. It`s more the sunshine that has the effect on me, rather than the tan itself. It would be good if i could get that benefits without the health risks...

24-08-16, 08:49
You are taking the precautions so you have every chance of being fine.

My dad had one form on his nose but only after 30 years of working all day 5-7 days a week in the sun with protection. Be had it a couple of years as he didn't know what it was.

Sorry was scrolling through skin cancer fears posts as im worrying for my mother too (she works outdoor). Did your father get skin cancer EVEN with skin protection?? omg i am so worried

25-08-16, 07:19
Sorry was scrolling through skin cancer fears posts as im worrying for my mother too (she works outdoor). Did your father get skin cancer EVEN with skin protection?? omg i am so worried

Damn!!! Sorry, I've amended that. He didn't have any protection other than clothing/hats. He wore no sunscreen ever.

Please bare in mind that some skin cancers are actually quite common, are easily noticed by the person and can take years to progress AND are very treatable with very high success rates. My dad had his for a couple of years before he ended up seeing the GP. The consultant said it was a type that was considered VERY minor as a cancer and the rates if treatment are excellent.

They whipped it off, he's been fine for the last 5 years with nothing coming back. It's gone, just as the consultant said it would.

Not all skin cancers are equal. The type my dad had was common to those who are exposed for very long times in the sun (many years per the consultant) and many NEVER even get it.

25-08-16, 07:38
Damn!!! Sorry, I've amended that. He didn't have any protection other than clothing/hats. He wore no sunscreen ever.

Not all skin cancers are equal. The type my dad had was common to those who are exposed for very long times in the sun (many years per the consultant) and many NEVER even get it.

The scary part is you never know which type you'll get and the deadly one (the M word) just terrifies me so much. Your dad is very lucky that he got a common and treatable type, what worries me is that some people were in the sun for all their lives and don't get cancer or the common ones but some only tanned or sunbathed on beaches during summer for a few years and got a deadly melanoma! That is so terrifying, can't calm down.

25-08-16, 09:04
The scary part is you never know which type you'll get and the deadly one (the M word) just terrifies me so much. Your dad is very lucky that he got a common and treatable type, what worries me is that some people were in the sun for all their lives and don't get cancer or the common ones but some only tanned or sunbathed on beaches during summer for a few years and got a deadly melanoma! That is so terrifying, can't calm down.

That's true, like all cancers we can only do so much to protect ourselves. The same for many other physical illnesses. And then there is always the chance of being in accidents.

But you may go 90 years and pass in your sleep with never experiencing any of these. Other than reasonably protect yourself from things, it would be worse to look back on life at that age and see how much of your life you lost to struggling on things that never happened.

25-08-16, 09:23
That's true, like all cancers we can only do so much to protect ourselves. The same for many other physical illnesses. And then there is always the chance of being in accidents.

But you may go 90 years and pass in your sleep with never experiencing any of these. Other than reasonably protect yourself from things, it would be worse to look back on life at that age and see how much of your life you lost to struggling on things that never happened.

Very true indeed, and I have been repeatedly telling myself that no matter how much I regret my past decisions its never going to change. Damage has been done for my sunburns and I should start concentrating on the life I am living this MOMENT instead of constantly imagining future scenarios of me dying of melanoma :/ Easier said than done, really hope i can get through it some day..?

25-08-16, 09:59
Very true indeed, and I have been repeatedly telling myself that no matter how much I regret my past decisions its never going to change. Damage has been done for my sunburns and I should start concentrating on the life I am living this MOMENT instead of constantly imagining future scenarios of me dying of melanoma :/ Easier said than done, really hope i can get through it some day..?

It's hard when there has been exposure to something as there is no yes or no answer to any of it. It's like when some people have been exposed to asbestos and have to live with that hanging over them. There is every chance they will never get ill, but in an anxious person that doubt eats away at them.

With things like this, there is only so much rationalisation you do. Acceptance seems to be the key tool to moving forward so that you can get on with you life and watch the worry disappear.

I hope you find that point. :hugs: