View Full Version : Worrying about everything :(

07-08-15, 12:36
This year has been really tough for me and now, when things seem to be getting better, I have that horrible feeling that something bad will happen to me and that I won`t be able to get done everything that I plan. I have really big plans for the next months/year or so but I can`t shake off the feeling that some illness will make me feel so sick that I won`t be able to leave my house.

I`m trying to think positive (really hate that expression) but Ireally try hard to think about something else and not to stay at home for so long. But at night when I`m alone my thoughts are racing and i overthink everything. I really mean everything, and everyday there is another worry (which comes from overthinking, i know)

Generally, my biggest fear is that i won`t be healthy in the future and I won`t be able to be near the person who I love and I won`t be able to enjoy the beautiful moments together. Any tips how to shake these thoughts off?

08-08-15, 12:25
What evidence is there to support the theory that something bad will happen to you ?

What evidence is there to support the theory that you are far more likely to have a lot of time left to enjoy your life ?

When I'm REALLY bothered by something and am finding it difficult to not think catastrophically what I'm desperately looking for is evidence that shows me it's far more likely that I'm ok.

For you to be finding yourself fearing you won't be ok means you must be bombarding yourself with some evidence or belief to support this. What is that evidence/belief ? Challenge it. Look for evidence that suggests the opposite is far more likely. When you do this you can reach a tipping point where your beliefs change and you actually begin to be a believer that you are ok and relief floods in and the weight is lifted and you feel free to enjoy again knowing that weight is lifted from your mind.

Ive had to do it twice recently and although very difficult I have managed to shake off those feelings and beliefs that there's an inevitable catastrophe.

It takes a bit of work but you can reach that tipping point and relieve yourself of that anxiety.

It's about fear and doubts hanging around in the back of your mind. They're usually based on a belief. And that belief is probably not based on anything concrete so keep chipping away at it until it doesn't seem believable anymore.