View Full Version : Pain in right side of chest, sharp when sniffing hard

07-08-15, 19:14
So, wondering if anyone has had a similar issue to this...

If I sniff hard I can get a sharp pain in the lower right side of my chest. I also often feel achy under the front part of my armpit and down the side of my breast.

Last year I went to the GP for a similar problem. Not the sniff/pain thing but that I ached. He examined me and thought that my right breast felt slightly different to my left and I was booked in the hospital for a scan and also a chest x-Ray. Both came back clear and no problems so there was really no explanation. They said the slight difference in the feel of both breasts was probably linked to my cycle.

So now I'm thinking do I bother going back down for another check? I have mentioned to my GP that after some miserable life events I am more anxious so it's not that they don't understand. I just don't want to waste time. They usually listen to my chest and say it sounds fine.

Could it be a pulled muscle that never gets the chance to "heal"? It sounds silly but this is the arm I use to throw my dog's ball as far as possible so I wonder if it's just I've overdone it??

I don't get breathless, and can go running with no pain. I do have hay fever symptoms, and I used to have asthma. My big anxiety is always that I have cancer. I am a smoker but have cut down to none, or one, a day (more if I am at the pub!)

Any ideas? It's been like it a little while. I usually try and rationalise my way out of things, but this has been like it for a little while.

07-08-15, 21:54
If you always daily throw your dogs ball as hard as you can from same hand then you could be straining the same muscles in your chest. when my son was a baby he was heavy and I carried him on one hip all the time time and I got awful pain in the armpit on that side which went on for months and it only went away when he started walking!!

07-08-15, 22:09
I agree with country girl. I get muscular pain in chest which comes till armpit and sometimes shoulders, throwing ball could be a reason. I also noticed while anxious body posture changed and muscle gets tense. Try to calm down if you feel you are anxious and tense. If you are really really concerned talk to you GP. Better than thinking too much.

09-08-15, 14:33
Thanks. I think this makes sense as usually I you pull a muscle in your leg you rest it but don't always think about muscles in your chest.

What about the sharp pain thing? Could that be muscle as well? Cos that's concentrated to just one small area in lower front right side of my chest.

I'm loathe to go and see the GP as been so many times before and then they ask for symptoms or push around and ask if I can feel anything and I never can. It's almost as if as soon as I go for an appointment I feel like there's nothing wrong with me! Instead I'm trying to rationalise more as ask myself the questions I know the GP will ask and consider whether it's worth going.

09-08-15, 20:22
Yes I also get that same sharp pain on right side of chest in between sternum and nipple. I cleared up when I reduced tension. It seems muscle around shoulder neck and chest gets worked up when you are tense cause generally posture changes while being anxious. I noticed I used to pull my shoulders up when I was really anxious which was straining all my muscles around the area. Once I stopped it the pain cleared