View Full Version : Help me rationalize fear of MS, Parkinsons...

07-08-15, 19:36
I am afraid that I have some of these neurological diseases and I have reasons why I am afraid and I will try to rationalize why these fears are not logical.

It all started 3.5 years ago when I went to neurologist because of twitching and ALS scare. He did a test wrote bilateral foot clonus said that I can do MRI for some reason, but since I was afraid of ALS and I was supposed to do it in my expense I didn't do it.

Reasons why I am afraid :
1. bilateral foot clonus that 1 neurologist wrote and that can't be caused by anxiety if it is clonus

2. slight burning in my left achilles heel when pressed that's being going on for 5 months now

3. Sudden asymmetrical sweating..I am sweating much much more under right armpit

4. My left hand is shaking a bit when I hold smth

Debunk reason 1 :
That doctor did wrote clonus of foot but I went to other neurologist 1 year later because I was afraid of smth else and he wrote sub-clonus which can be cause by anxiety. Also even if I had clonus, it would have to be caused by lesions in my spine/brain and after 3,5 years I guess I would need to develop some serious symptoms if it was MS or some other neuro disease.

Debunk reason 2:
I thought this was also symptom of MS, but now I believe that it's probably some minor nerve damage caused by shoes since it burns only when I slide my finger over it.

Debunk reason 3:

This is the toughest one. One argument could be that I would sweat even when the weather is cool if I had lesion due to neurological disease, but also what if the lesion only messes up with the way my brain responds to heat, so when it's hot I am sweating like pig and when it's cold I am not sweating and no heat= no sweat. Only reason that seems valid for me is that if it was indeed caused by lesion in my spine/brain then wouldn't I have some other symptoms of either of these illnesses. Some of the major ones...Would it really start only by sweating? Seems improbable...

Debunk reason 4:

I have never tested before if my left hand shakes when holding smth so I might as well have it for a long long time. Also, when my hand is completely still, fingers slightly bent, without holding anything I can't see tremors and they should be more pronounced then I guess. Also, I read somewhere that sweating in Parkinsons is one of advanced symptoms when you clearly have other symptoms, but then again, other forum member who was actually just diagnosed with Parkinsons mentioned sweating as one of her symptoms and she wasn't in advanced stage.

So, debunk of reasons 1 and 2 sounds pretty logical to me...3 and 4 are still in question since I can't find quite obvious reasons why my thinking is flawed.