View Full Version : Very worried, think i have glandular fever

07-08-15, 21:55
Hello, so at the start of the week i went the doctors because white spots started to appear on a tonsil so I went and got it checked out and got given antibiotics. My tonsils weren't swollen, just got the spots on there. Anyways today I went to see a doctor again to get it checked out to see if it's gone basically and before he checked he mentioned glandular fever, like he only mentioned it to himself and never mentioned it again. But because he's said that i'm so so worried now and can't seem to shake it. He checked and he said they look fine so just finish the antibiotics. My temperature is normal and everything but my neck glands, feel really swollen. I don't know if it's because I keep poking and prodding them. But, I'm so worried because of this. The reason as to why I'm so scared is because I've heard pretty nasty stuff about it such as a ruptured spleen and that terrifies me!

If he thought it was that, he would have sent me off for a blood test wouldn't he? I just wish he never have mentioned it because i'm in such a state of panic. I feel sick from worry:weep:

07-08-15, 22:05
Please don't poke and prod it definitely exacerbates the pain. I guess if your GP didn't look so worried it might be nothing to worry about. If you are really anxious give him a call and clear your doubt instead of thinking so much, that always helps.

07-08-15, 22:14
Please don't poke and prod it definitely exacerbates the pain. I guess if your GP didn't look so worried it might be nothing to worry about. If you are really anxious give him a call and clear your doubt instead of thinking so much, that always helps.

I can't until Monday now, so i gotta wait.. hopefully my worrying subsides by then :(

07-08-15, 22:16
Take your medicine in time and don't poke, I hope it clears up by Monday. Take care.

08-08-15, 14:13
If your tonsils were not swollen then you maybe just had tonsil stones. Those can cause a sore throat and sometimes the only symptom of them is just white spots around the tonsil. The first time I had them, I was given antibiotics too even though I had no sore throat, just white spots.

I've had glandular fever and if your GP did suspect it, he definitely would send you for a blood test as a blood test is the only way to diagnose it. If it were glandular fever, you would know it by now. Every gland would be sore and swollen, your throat would be agony and you would be very ill and tbh, wouldn't panic! You would be too tired out to panic or worry. That's how I can usually tell I am ill, if I can worry about it being something worse, then I'm not that ill. I know what its like wit health anxiety though, its so hard to find reassurance even when deep down, you know you are ok. I'm the sort of person that thinks they are having a stroke whenever they have a headache.

Prodding your lymph nodes can definitely make them hurt. I went through a lymphoma worry a year ago and touched my nodes no less than 100 times a day and they were agony. Even just moving my neck would make them hurt because I prodded them so much. After not touching them for a day, the pain went away.

09-08-15, 00:32
most of the time glandular fever presents with a horrid razor blade like sore throat, i know bc i had it, if you dont have that then you are probly ok