View Full Version : Ridiculously terrified

08-08-15, 01:48
hello everyone! i suffer from pretty bad health anxiety but luckly it's not constant. i have good and bad periods.

right now my worst fear hit me full force and i'm truly scared!!!! i have this tender spot on my calf which hurts when i press onto it or when i flex my leg + just a weird pain in general!! :(((((( i'm scared it's a dvt!!!!!!!! i cried hysterically today because no one in my family understands my worries! :((((
PLEASE HELP ME!!:unsure:

08-08-15, 02:12
I'm suffering from the same thing right now. And the best thing I'm doing for myself is reminding myself that other then the pain I have no other symptoms and I have none of the risk factors other then smoking so the chances are pretty much nil that I would have one. Try telling yourself the same thing and see if it helps.

08-08-15, 02:31
Thanks :( i don't have any risk factors either but i can't shake this terrible feeling that something is definitely not alright

08-08-15, 08:00
I know I feel that way often. Last time I had this happen with my leg I went to dr after dr trying to get an answer and they all said I was fine so I went to a physical therapist who watched me take a few steps and said I tore a muscle in my leg. I was so happy I hadn't been imagining the symptoms cus after awhile I started to feel like I was going crazy and luckily it wasn't as sinister as I thought it was. Blood clots is definitely my primary fear and has been for about 9 years now off and on. The feeling I have is so similar to the torn muscle one I'm going to guess I reinjured myself. Maybe you could check in with a physical therapist and have them take a look it is probably somethubg quite similar to mine. Best of luck.