View Full Version : HIV negative test results... but still worried please help...

08-08-15, 07:21
I'm a 21 year old girl and have had unprotected sex with boyfriends before, I
would always get at least one pap smear done every year for the common
STDs. But i've never got a HIV test done and never really thought twice
about it.

To get to the point I had unprotected sex with a guy 4 and a half months
ago. Yesterday I went and got a 10 minute HIV test done at planned
parenthood - It came out negative. But for some reason i'm still so scared
that it might of been wrong or the test might of messed up... i'm feeling really
suicidal and scared. How accurate are HIV tests? Please help :,(

08-08-15, 07:32
The test are very accurate , Please don't worry yourself you don't have it , I know when you panic and worry but the test said you didn't the chemicals react with your blood droplet and it creates a reaction please don't worry yourself , if you ever need a chat just message me , do you suffer from any other health anxiety or is this your first main bout? Must stop thinking now about hiv as you don't have it we all had unprotected sex, I personally have slept with 30 people and only used a condom on 2 of them people and I'm fine so don't worry yourself

08-08-15, 08:09
Thank you so much for your reply, honestly I need all the help i can get right now. I can't shake the feeling that the test was wrong (even though the guy I last had sex with said he was clean) I was even more worried because in high school i would have bf's and have unprotected sex with them. I was young and stupid and didn't even know the risks i was taking... When my dad was driving me to the appointment all i was thinking "how could I not have it!?) I was crying in the waiting room with my dad holding me, but then the nurse told me it was negative, i cried even more when i heard that because i was so relived. But that only lasted a short amount of time because i started reading on google that the test is only conclusive after 6 months... Now i'm back to freaking out. I feel lost and extremely suicidal... This is the first time i've really ever freaked out about something so bad to the point i want to kill myself... I even went so far to think the nurse that did it is lying to me about the results... i'm going crazy :,(

08-08-15, 09:04
Google is evil stay off it, firstly you don't have hiv so please don't worry, and even if you did which you don't there's so much they can do nowadays for people with hiv they basically live a normal life now not like in the 70s 80s it was pretty much a death sentence, so it's pointless worrying your worrying about hiv probably from the media and the knowing it could be a death sentence in the past, and suicidal thoughts contradict that so stop it your young enjoy life I Am sure your have many more unprotected sex as you grow older its natural it's what people do, so please please stop this worrying about nothing your test was negative you don't have it so stop worrying , like I said if you ever need a chat pm me I'm always here for anybody to help positive thoughts and negative ones should be dropped completly

08-08-15, 11:01
I want to believe you... I do. I want to just believe in that test... But I'm so scared. I'm thinking about "what if" I respect everyone who has HIV and is strong enough to live with it. But I can't, I could never live with it... I'm just praying to God that he will know this is something that would set me off the deep end... I'm hoping I'm not positive because I don't want to leave my dad. I love him so much and would never want to hurt him by suicide. I'm going to go in to re test this coming week just to see how the results come out again

08-08-15, 11:11
Four and a half months since your last unprotected sex is long enough for the HIV virus to take hold so therefore the test would easily pick it up if you had it. You would also be symptomatic by now. It's negative, 100%. You can go back for a re-test but you'll be feeding the anxiety. How many more tests would it take for you to be sure?