View Full Version : Sinus Remedy -Xylitol

08-08-15, 10:32
As I've posted so many negative posts recently, I thought I'd post something a bit more positive today.

So as a lot of you know for a few weeks I've been suffering from a virus and have had an ongoing cough, post nasal drip, generally nasty stuff you get following a virus.

Last week I thought I'd probably developed a sinus infection due to a variety of symptoms which indicated this so I started to see how I could possibly get rid of it without having to resort to antibiotics.

I read a lot about Xylitol and how adding it to saline rinses helps to penetrate the biofilm surrounding bacteria and subsequently stop it multiplying helping your body to rid it naturally.

Some of you might already be using it and there's a nasal spray in America called xlear which is basically Xylitol and Grapefruit seed extract, it's completely natural and helps with a host of sinus problems.

Anyway I've now been using the rinse for 6 days and I ordered the nasal spray which I've been using since Monday.

I'm not saying I'm completely cured but the last few days my sinuses have been draining non stop and my cough is starting to ease up. I've also noticed the post nasal drip seems to be improving greatly.

I've not been able to smell properly in one nostril for three weeks and noticed that I had a real crackle/wheeze when trying to breath out that side of my nose.

Last night I did a sinus rinse and literally a few seconds later I actually realised I could breath out of said nostril and the crackling/wheezing had stopped, obviously must have been a blocked sinus.

So as I said it's still draining but on the whole I feel like my sinuses are improving by the day and I know a lot of us on the board have numerous issues with allergies/sinus problems so thought I'd post this as it might help some of you and it's a totally natural product.

08-08-15, 14:19
My doctor recommended Xlear to me last year during my sinus he** and I loved it!! It did a bit more than plain saline and helped me avoid some infections. I bought it in a health food store first, but then found out I could find it cheaper on amazon.

Glad you had a good experience with it too.

09-08-15, 08:20
Sounds good. Glad things are looking better for you.

Having this whilst starting your meds has likely increased their side effects in terms of how your defences lower when feeling ill. So, maybe you will feel those less too?

Xylitol is one of the better sugar substitutes too if you want to cut down on sugar.