View Full Version : Scared of Alzheimers

08-08-15, 12:53
I am 20 years old and am worried that my 4 anxiety filled years will increase my chance of getting Dementia/Alzheimers later in life as I have read about several studies which have shown a link between anxiety and Dementia. I have convinced myself that I will most definitely get Alzheimers in the future and have been obsessed with these thoughts for around a month.I have had some problems with memory in the past due to anxiety and this has caused me to believe I have damaged my brain permanently to the point of no return and I am bound to get Alzheimers.I have googled (i know its bad) and found that anxiety can cause alzheimers in people if they experience anxiety or depression when older and a neuroticism may also cause this which has dug my hole even further. Any help, advice or information would be greatly appreciated.

08-08-15, 14:03
Then more than half ppl in the world would definitely get Alzheimers and since Alzheimers is not that common, anxiety=getting alzheimers is false assumption. Does it increases chances, probably slightly but who gives a **** really. Exposure to sun increases risk of melanoma, constant stress increases risk of heart problems etc...if you are going to obsess about all of those things you are going to go crazy.

08-08-15, 14:16
So do you think if I was to stop worrying now my brain would be fine even if i do get a lot of symptoms such as memory problems and it could improve?

08-08-15, 14:36
No, I mean even if you continue worrying you won't get alzheimers.

08-08-15, 15:43
Its not i have a gift but this will push me to try and not worry as much and what i really wanted was reassurance as i had gotten into my own world of googling symptoms and worrying so i wanted to put my mind at ease knowing i have not caused myself any serious problems long term and to focus on the now.

08-08-15, 16:14
Thanks for the replies they made me feel better. Just lastly do you think that my risk of alzheimers is increased for later life or do you believe i have time to fix it? I really feel the need to ask someone this straight just to try put some of the worry to bed

08-08-15, 16:27
At the ripe old age of 20, there's no way to predict the future nor assess any risks involved nor is there any way to determine what long term damage or risk there is from your body being in a stressed state. Quite frankly, and again at your age, this is an irrational fear and one that's wasting your time and causing you additional unnecessary stress.

The simple truth is to eat right, exercise, don't smoke and do the things to keep yourself healthy and happy. Life will have stressful times. Treat your anxiety to learn to reduce unnecessary stresses and you'll benefit yourself in more ways than one.

By starting now you can minimize the chances of a serious physical or mental issue in the future.

Positive thoughts

09-08-15, 03:08
Alcohol in moderation if at all. Resveratrol present in red wine, which may help guard against future dementia, is also available from eating grapes, blueberries, cranberries and nuts. There are high-quality Resveratrol supplements at health food stores as well. Eat plenty of fish and eggs or take omega oil supplements to maintain brain health. Learn new things to increase brain size and connections. Read books, don't waste time googling junk. Socialize (that is wonderful for the brain, and of course, mood!). The rest, like FMP says. Be proactive about your health and relationships and goals. And anyway, in your lifetime there are sure to be major breakthroughs that will make Alzheimer's a thing of the past, rejoice in being young and healthy! :D Woo hoooo!

09-08-15, 03:53
Guess what?? By the time you are old enough to get Alzheimers, there is new research showing ultrasound stopping and reversing it!! That technology will be perfected, and you will be treatable! (was one of my fears too)

09-08-15, 04:17

Similiar concerns in this thread about research:


Look at the articles and you will see they are not sure whether the links between some of these things mean anything because people with the conditions developing also experience things like anxiety. They just don't know enough at these stages to predict things like this.

09-08-15, 16:52
Thanks a lot guys your replies have reassured me a lot. I hope they do cure this horrible condition. I really appreciate your replies and thank everyone as they really have helped me to feel better.