View Full Version : Lumps in cheek & gums

08-08-15, 13:31
Hello there!
I'm new here and I decided to register because today i felt a rush of panic coming my way.
Don't know if any of you have this lumps, air bubbles feel like things under your skin. They are movable and noticeable only if I put my finger on them.
I have one on my cheek and 2 in my gums.
I have them for years but recently I started to feel disconfort in them.
I don't know what to think, i 'm panicking right now because I think it's something really bad going on.
I had xray done on my teeth back in january or february this year (sayin' this because the lumps are in that area) so i guess if there was anything there it would show up right?

Please helppppp xD
I'm freakin' out right now!

08-08-15, 19:17
i have it too, don't know what it is and i'm sure its nothing dangerous. i think most of the people can feel that little lumps. don't pay attention too it, i had health anxiety about lymphnodes that i can feel in my neck. but somehow i got over it. don't be on dr google please. if you are not on dr goole for 2 weeks you will see it is going a lot better. and if you have them for so long and you feel healthy and nothing is growing, there is absolutely nothing to worry about.

08-08-15, 19:41
Pfff yeah dr google knows it all and we anxiety folks tend to use it a lot. today i ate some biscuits and i think i stratched my gum really bad. it hurts like hell. and feeling those lump send me into a freenzy.
eh it a good to know that i m not the only one