View Full Version : palpitation/neck pulsing/head rush with 5htp*big concern*

08-08-15, 15:12
I do not know, if 5HTP had caused these symptoms(palpitations, right side of neck pulsing with "blood flow feeling", with slow heart rate, head rush, dizzy feeling, adrenaline feeling, trouble falling asleep.

I have had palpitations issues since last fall; the cardio doc I saw ran an echo and stress but they came back okay. I did have a sinus arrthy in April 2015 at my PCP office when I had an ekg done. The EKG I had at an ER in November 2014 showed "right axis deviation". The blood work was fine, except for an elevated CK(Creatine Kinese) but the ER doc had said everything else didn't show heart damage or signs I have a stroke/heart attack. But she did ask if I had been working out hard recently and drinking caffeine , which I did. I worked out on the bench press and weights at my college's rec center a bit with my friend and had been drinking caffeine a bit.

Last night, I had a bad "episode" with fast heart rate, head rush, dizzy feeling. I was somewhat scared that I having a stroke or heart attack, but it had somewhat leveled off by 1am.

It doesn't happen every second, because there are "brief pauses", so I guess it could be anxiety.

I had been taking 5htp since late June(100mg-150mg day), I had bumped it up to 200mg and noticed some odd symptoms since Monday.

I'm unsure if these are anxiety symptoms--or some signs of heart attack or stroke.

I know something similiar happen when in January 2015 when I last used 5HTP.

I'm unsure if it's serotonin syndrome with anxiety. I know it's not severe serotoin syndrome, because you need to take an SSRI plus 5htp to make it life threatening.

I know, that I'm not having a stroke as I type this post because 1. I wouldn't be able to type this post

But I feel this chronic "palpitation, neck pulsing/pressure on my neck, shoulder blade tingling/spasm". I do not know, if this anxiety or something I need to go to the ER ASAP.

I'm not on any Rxs or do "recreational drugs". I lasted smoke marijuana(June 13) and briefly drank with my friend and his female friend on July 18.

I do try to work out 2x a week. I'm not overweight.

So I'm unsure if I have heart problems or clot or what. I just want some feedback from other people here.

09-08-15, 18:10
well, serotonin syndrome occurs very rare. and in order to occur you have to take
like 3 SSRI's on overdose.

i know people who have actually taken 2 ssris and 5-htp together for a period of time
and didnt have serotonin syndrome.