View Full Version : Hi all...

08-08-15, 20:31

Worried about an anxiety problem? I've had it, almost guaranteed. For the past 12 years (since I was 10), I've had quite bad anxiety: chest pains, palpitations, stomach aches, panic attacks, depersonalisation, dizziness, shaking, muscle twitches, muscle aches, I've had the lot.

It's the last two that have brought me back here, and it's such a common one, just reading through some recent threads. About 5 weeks ago I started with muscle twitches (brought on by a sudden period of intense stress), which haven't gone away, though they're probably better. Over the last two or so weeks, muscle aches have come on, perhaps as a result of the twitching. Of course, Dr Google is on hand to tell me I have a MND, which has kept me awake. A few days ago at work, I had an intense and hour-long panic attack that had me down a health centre and on an ECG (it's fine, of course, aside from tachycardia). The doctor was very good to me, and felt all my muscles, and told me they were ridiculously tense. I need to get over them, but of course it's hard to ignore the MND/ALS problem (I refuse to have it tested... I know I'm bloody fine).

Which is why I'm here. I need to stop going on MND forums and look at the most likely suspect, that has had me momentarily crippled my whole life: anxiety. And I hope my experiences over the last decade can help other people, like you guys helped me when I first joined this forum a decade ago (under another guise).


08-08-15, 20:39
Hiya FeelLikeNeo and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes:

08-08-15, 20:56
You most certainly do need to stop going on MND forums as if Googling wasn't bad enough!!!
Do you do any sport to burn off the excess adrenaline? That would help with the tension xx

08-08-15, 21:00
You most certainly do need to stop going on MND forums as if Googling wasn't bad enough!!!
Do you do any sport to burn off the excess adrenaline? That would help with the tension xx

Haha I know! Then of course you emulate the 'symptoms' within a day :whistles:

Ridiculously, I find it very hard to do exercise because of anxiety-caused heart things (as documented above). I walk a lot to make up for it.

09-08-15, 00:46
Hello and welcome Neo.

I'm sure you'll find what you're looking for here. I know I did. :)