View Full Version : Really bad panic attacks today; please help!

09-08-15, 02:41
So I had one earlier that was like a wave of hot water was suddenly poured over me. It was awful. Took an anti-anxiety and eventually felt better. But then the anxiety started building again and I got a weird minty taste in my mouth and feeling very nauseous (been dizzy and nauseous all day; think it's my vertigo). Had another terrible attack and still not better. I just don't want to have to go to a and e again. I'm not long out from my second stint in a private mental hospital for my panic; I can't go backwards again this soon! :weep:

Does anyone else get weird tastes/smells when their anxiety gets very intense? I always worry it means I'm gonna have a seizure or something.

09-08-15, 17:16
well while im on panic attack, i always get this feeling that you described of a wave of
hot watter poured over you.
also i feel numb in my face and i feel faint.

09-08-15, 17:42
Yeah I get a horrible taste in my mouth sometimes when I have a panic attack. Hard to describe the taste but its vile and makes me want to puke which makes me panic more because I have a phobia of puking and any hint of nausea makes me panic, let alone while having a panic attack to begin with. The taste always goes away once I calm down.

09-08-15, 18:19
I have panic attacks most days, worse when I have'nt slept well !! If I wake up feeling bad & continue to feel anxious & panicky as the day goes by, no matter what techniques I try then as a last resort I take 5mg valium. At first I take 1/2 a tablet and if that doesn't help I take the other 1/2. I don't like taking them as afraid I won't be able cope without them but at least I can get on & get some enjoyment from my day. Better than feeling I've wasted yet another day doing nothing because of my anxiety