View Full Version : Cognitive Behavioural Therapy

05-02-07, 22:12
Has anyone tried cognitive behavioural therapy? I'm booked in to see a psychiatrist in a couple of weeks. Panic attacks are really getting me down, I hate being anywhere that's even remotely far from home. I never go out by myself. I'm on beta blockers, and they worked at first, then they came back, and it was more of a shock. I get really distressed when I get one, bursting into floods of tears and I panic even more about getting home. I tried rescue remedy, but it didn't make much of a difference.

05-02-07, 22:21
Hi I have mass anxiety witch leads to panic attacks when I am far from home or (Cant get back easily) I am good for about 100miles or so because I know Home is only a short car journey away. I havn't been on holiday for 12 years. Does this sound like your symptoms??

05-02-07, 22:28
Yes it does, only I can only just manage going into town, but only with someone I know and trust. I suffer with constant anxiety at a low level, and when a panic attack comes on, i get all symptoms going. Palpitations, unable to breath, vertigo, stomach cramps, and sense of impending doom. Straight after the panic attack I feel really low, and just start crying. I hate buses, and have to get taxis everywhere, but I still feel panicky. It's just becoming an absolute nightmare

05-02-07, 22:36
Dont worry your so not alone. I can't do public transport, I think it's the whole 'not in control thing!!' at least with a taxi you can get out when you want. My panic attacks I discribe as follows : It's like when someone makes you jump, you get that momentary short sharp burst of fear and then it's gone but with my panic attacks that fear seems ever lasting!!

Do you know what triggered your attacks?

05-02-07, 22:41
I know what you mean, and the sort of nervous fear you get before an interview or test that carries on all the time. I had them even when I was young, but not severe. I've had them for around 9 months now, then they disappeared for a while, now they're back even worse than before. Wouldn't it be amazing if there was a miracle cure?

05-02-07, 22:48
Yes it would be amazing and I like to think that there is one out there it's just a case of finding the right one for you. My attacks and anxiety come and go (a few weeks here a few months there) even though ive had it for 12yrs this year 2007 is the first time I have decided to have a real go at dealing with it. I didn't ever realize it was so common until a few months ago when I did some research on the web. I thought I was on my own, Thought I was going mad but now I know that there are other people out there with the same condition and that in itself is a huge comfort. I havn't done CBT but I hope it works for you, If not don't worry there so many different things to try!

05-02-07, 22:50
Hi Tal

Totally understand how you feel Out of the comfort zone and we panic more than we have before. But you still try like i did. I am so much better now but i panic if driving on a motorway big style because i just cant turn of when it suits me. Its accepting that at times we cant control or dictate how we cope.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

"Life is a distance and to travel that distance you were given the strength and guidance to do so".

05-02-07, 22:54
It's really encouraging learning from people like yourselves and how you're controlling it. I'd never thought I'd ever look forward to seeing a therapist lol I'll let you know how it goes.

05-02-07, 22:56
That great and CBT really helped me. It made me understand my thoughts and made me realise i was human and wasnt going mad.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

"Life is a distance and to travel that distance you were given the strength and guidance to do so".

05-02-07, 22:57
If it's any comfort im off to see a therapist next monday for the first time!!! will exchange notes with you when im done ! ! !

05-02-07, 23:03
Good luck! Hope it works well for you

05-02-07, 23:08
Best of luck for both of you and will be thinking about you both. Let us know how you are getting on.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

"Life is a distance and to travel that distance you were given the strength and guidance to do so".

06-02-07, 20:53
I am half way through a 6 week course of councelling for Anxiety and Panic attacks . It is great to talk to someone who totally understands .
My councellor has got me to keep a Diary of every attack I have . you have to include every single detail . Most importantly you have to Write down what you were thinking about at the time of the attack . It is easier said than done . You may not think you are thinking about anything , but you have to learn to dig deep into your thoughts to find the trigger and try to break the circle . I am learning slowly .
Give it a go . Good luck Talisman.

06-02-07, 23:19
Hi Craigh just posted to you on your post, but you are so right you have to dig deep into those thoughts however hard it is. I did it. My moemories were horrible and very vivid but not as tough as the anxiety i was suffering. Best of luck mate.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

"Life is a distance and to travel that distance you were given the strength and guidance to do so".

08-02-07, 20:20
It sounds a bit scary :s
Do they set u tasks too? Such as going on a bus journey, things like that?

08-02-07, 22:42
No they dont at all, initially they access you and then they decide the best way forward for you. They dont push you, as they understand your difficulities. Its about facing them and approaching them and they only do that when they know you understand what they are asking.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

"Life is a distance and to travel that distance you were given the strength and guidance to do so".

09-02-07, 22:04
I've been suffering from panic attacks for over 7 years now. Believe it or not I didn't realise they were panic attacks until just recently. I would complain constantly to my mum and doctor that I was afraid of being dizzy all the time. They told me there was nothing wrong and to stop thinking about it.

I was sent to a therapist to practice CBT but they just gave me a list of 'coping' strategies and distraction techniques. But the whole flipping point of anxiety is that it makes you concentrate on the ever so near threat - which in the case of a panic attack are the sensations. I decided I was fed up of just 'coping' and deep down I knew I wasn't going to live with this forever. I'm not particularly spiritual but everything happens for a reason right? I came across a new technique by a former sufferer of panic attacks called Joe Barry. Have a look at his panic portal website.

The best thing about is it doesn't take months to get results infact some people have found that they have become free of panic attacks in just one day! It does take effort a lot of courage and a bit of practise but the results last a life time and it doesn't matter how long you've suffered from panic attacks either.

Well it's worth a look.

10-02-07, 09:19
CBT - worked for me....however, I have had a bad time of late so I am going back for some more sessions. It was good to talk to someone who seemed to understand.
