View Full Version : Scared of feeling this way.

09-08-15, 06:14
I just don't know what to say anymore. I have had soooo many different symptoms I just can't take this anymore. I don't even know whats wrong with me, and its scaring me. I have no appetite anymore. I feel nauseous, I feel scared. I feel worried. I keep getting random pains off and on my head. I just can't take this. I just feel so nauseous, and worried. I just feel so scared. I just miss having an appetite, and I miss not worrying. I was just at the doctor like 10 days ago, and also a month ago. I Just am so scared , I feel like I need to go again. Ugh this sucks. I feel hot and cold, and I feel so anxious. I was just sleeping, and I woke up panicking. And I feel nauseous. I barely ate anything yesterday. I am a total mess. I just feel like complete crap. I hate this :((( I've diagnosed myself with like 3 or 4 different things. Its so frustrating, everyday its something new. I just can't figure out why I can't be normal anymore ??

09-08-15, 06:52
Hi stressedanxious, what did your doctor suggest? Any medication? Everything you're describing sounds like pure panic and anxiety to me. I know that this is going to sound unachievable, but the best thing for you to try to do, is not get caught up in and scared by what you're feeling. The adrenaline that you release when scared increases the symptoms and makes it all worse. Try doing some belly breathing to relax and keep telling yourself that you're ok. I know it's hard, but you can do it. We're stronger than what we give ourselves credit for. I hope what I've said helps you even just a little.

09-08-15, 07:33
Thanks for the reply. I really wish I could just lay back and relax and do belly breathing, but unfortunately I just feel like theres something wrong with me, so nothing helps. I feel like i need to be on medication in order for all this stress to go away. I went to the doctor and they prescribed me anti anxiety medication but I am too scared to take it because Im breast feeding so I am just feeling so stressed out. I constantly have so many symptoms, I wake up feeling hot, I feel nauseous off and on. I can barely eat anything, I can't stop worrying about my health. I keep touching my body looking for bump, I keep touching my bone freaking out if they ant the same size as the other size. I get off and on pains and freak out about them. I am freaking out about my weight. I worry about my child, and and I am too scared to take medication because I am breastfeeding. I have lost weight, I and Im scared I'm gonna lose more weight, I am so obsessive about my weight, I don't wanna lose anymore, but I am not hungry. Its just a never ending cycle. I just am worried theres something wrong with me, I hate this. I can't sleep, I can barely eat, and I am unhappy, i can barely smile.

09-08-15, 07:49

So sorry you are feeling like this, I can completely relate to you at the moment as I'm exactly the same, no appetite, nausea, feel like crying all the time.

I'm actually taking Fluoxetine but it doesn't seem to be helping at the moment.

I just wanted to let you know you are not alone. :hugs:

09-08-15, 10:22
Would it be possible to switch to bottle feeding so that you could start medication and feel comfortable with that? As important breast feeding is, it's also just as important to have a relaxed, balanced happy mummy. That's my opinion anyway. Give it some consideration. I hope you feel better soon. Sending hugs your way.

09-08-15, 11:07
Hi There are many of us feeling exactly how you feel. I saw a video and now relate it to pebbles in the pond. You throw in one pebble in the pond, your anxiety/panic attack will cause one wave, you throw in more pebbles (symptoms) and this causes more waves, its a vicious circle, the more you worry the worst you feel. I felt absolutely suicidal yesterday. My head and eyes wanted to cry, I felt so black and down, dizzy, frightened of losing control, floaty, what if, what if. Every thing I looked at I saw danger. I was irritable to the family, could not concentrate and kept losing my thread when talking and struggled to hold a decent conversation. My chest was dragging and I felt out of control with my breathing. However, today I feel a lot better, although I did not sleep well and dreaded the day ahead. I keep myself busy, plan a long dog walk, even through I fear I will faint out there. I am going to clean the house and cook a nice dinner. I have suffered for 10 + years, and still struggle, with each episode, although I know I will get through it - at the time you always think - this is the one that is going to kill you - but it wont ! Stay strong - this site is great - I come on here and read loads of experiences, and it lets you know you are not alone.

09-08-15, 12:27

So sorry you are feeling like this, I can completely relate to you at the moment as I'm exactly the same, no appetite, nausea, feel like crying all the time.

I'm actually taking Fluoxetine but it doesn't seem to be helping at the moment.

I just wanted to let you know you are not alone. :hugs:

Yeah it sucks, I am also crying all the time, its terrible, I can never eat. I miss my old appetite. I have lost weight. I just wish my apptite was good, but its not. I hate this feeling :(( I just don't know what to do.

---------- Post added at 07:26 ---------- Previous post was at 07:25 ----------

Would it be possible to switch to bottle feeding so that you could start medication and feel comfortable with that? As important breast feeding is, it's also just as important to have a relaxed, balanced happy mummy. That's my opinion anyway. Give it some consideration. I hope you feel better soon. Sending hugs your way.

I tried to give the baby bottled milk, but he doesn't like formula and he doesn't like the bottle. Every time I give him the bottle he makes a funny face and pushes it away, I keep trying to give him the bottle and he keeps crying and pushing it away and keeps reaching for my breasts. I feel guilty .

---------- Post added at 07:27 ---------- Previous post was at 07:26 ----------

Hi There are many of us feeling exactly how you feel. I saw a video and now relate it to pebbles in the pond. You throw in one pebble in the pond, your anxiety/panic attack will cause one wave, you throw in more pebbles (symptoms) and this causes more waves, its a vicious circle, the more you worry the worst you feel. I felt absolutely suicidal yesterday. My head and eyes wanted to cry, I felt so black and down, dizzy, frightened of losing control, floaty, what if, what if. Every thing I looked at I saw danger. I was irritable to the family, could not concentrate and kept losing my thread when talking and struggled to hold a decent conversation. My chest was dragging and I felt out of control with my breathing. However, today I feel a lot better, although I did not sleep well and dreaded the day ahead. I keep myself busy, plan a long dog walk, even through I fear I will faint out there. I am going to clean the house and cook a nice dinner. I have suffered for 10 + years, and still struggle, with each episode, although I know I will get through it - at the time you always think - this is the one that is going to kill you - but it wont ! Stay strong - this site is great - I come on here and read loads of experiences, and it lets you know you are not alone.

Thanks for writing to me, yes I feel like you, everything seems dangerous. I feel like I wanna live in a bubble or something lol. I am constantly worried about everything, its crazy and terrible. I am so scared about something bad happening to me. I am constantly worried about my symptoms, and i am worried about my appetite .

09-08-15, 12:55

I just spoke to a UK based charity called AnxietyAlliance as I'm in such a black hole at the moment.

I don't know if this will help but I'll tell you some of the things the lady said to me on the phone and amazingly I do feel a lot calmer since talking to her.

With regards to lack of appetite she said it's important to eat within 15 minutes of waking, even if you only manage half a banana. She said if you don't eat within that timespan when anxious, the adrenaline just floods the body, the metabolism kicks in and because you haven't eaten your body is purely being fuelled by adrenaline which as we know is really bad for our anxiety but it also puts paid to our appetite.

For sleeping issues she said that although we are sleeping our bodies still need energy to sleep and if we aren't eating we don't sleep properly so she recommended eating something small 1 hour before bed as she said it gives the body the energy it needs through the night.

She also told me a couple of breathing exercises, breathing in and out through the nose counting to four slowly each time, apparently it releases some of our endorphins which help to calm us down. For a knot in the stomach she also told me to pull the stomach in tightly on a count of 10 and slowly release it.

I'm not saying they will help but a lot of it made sense and I came off the phone and ate a banana and I have to say I do feel calmer.

She said it's a really common side effect but if you force yourself to eat little things it will cut down on the adrenaline and slowly the appetite will return.

I'm going to give these things a try, I hope they might be of some help to you :)

10-08-15, 15:21
Munchlet - thank you for sharing that, it certainly does make sense about the food. I don't normally eat in the morning, later on I get a sudden urge to eat as I feel faint, when I have eaten, it sort of reassures me inside. I thought it was a sugar rush of some kind. This anxiety sure does suck !

10-08-15, 16:17
I also feel this way. I keep diagnosing myself with different things every day, so I can understand that it`s hard to deal with. But I`m trying to find ways to distract myself, so i think that you should do that to. I read (but not searching for symptoms), I sit in my garden and listen to my favourite music, I even started to learn a foreign language. All this helps a bit because it makes me concentrate on these things and not on my health.
I`m not in a good place right now but when i sit with someone who i can talk too i also feel better. But my friends are out of town now and i feel so alone, it sucks! But you can come on the forum anytime and I`m sure you will find some support.
And the most important thing is for you to know that those symptoms are a product of your anxiety and nothing else. If you wake up in panic, stay in bed for a bit, give yourself some time to realise that it will pass and there is nothing wrong with your health!