View Full Version : Introduction 😃

09-08-15, 11:12
Hi everyone,

I found this forum by (happy) accident. I suffer from GAD but most prominently health anxiety. I am not on Amy medication anymore but recently due to stress I have become anxious about my health again and convinced every little thing is life threatening. I'm also anxious that even being in a place that can help I will end up taking on other people's anxieties an worry about things I have never thought of before! Lol

Nice to meet you.


09-08-15, 11:21
Hi there Misfit and welcome to the family. :welcome:

I'm glad you found this forum. It has been really helpful for me, as I know it has for the others on here. It puts things into perspective and the simple knowledge that you're not alone helps a lot more than you would initially think.

I too have health anxiety predominantly and if you need a chat, myself and others are available on here most of the time.

I know the feeling of thinking everything is a sign of a terminal illness all too well but you will control this and ultimately beat it, given the time and it will require a lot of patience, effort and determination to pull off. You've taken the right step on the path to recovery.

Good luck. :)

09-08-15, 11:21
Hiya Misfit and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes:

09-08-15, 22:54
Hey Misfit, Welcome! I, too, have anxiety about my health. I will worry myself into a tither over every tinge I feel inside my body. I find reading the Health Anxiety board helps me a lot. It makes me understand I am not alone, that my symptoms are all common with other people who suffer with anxiety, and that there is HOPE! Oh and the Success Stories are great for encouragement! I hope you can dive right in and start your healing journey!

12-08-15, 21:03
Glad to have you with us, misfit.

I've found a great deal of support and guidance since I've been here.

I'm sure you will too.