View Full Version : Feel like I'm going crazy

09-08-15, 12:18
New to this but really need some help :( I am 21 and just recently moved house a few months ago this was when my panic attacks started again. I have been on 30mg citalopram for a few years now but the doctor upped them to 40mg after I moved house etc. It was horrible I was just so angry and mad all the time still feeling really depressed and anxious and felt like I wasn't really here. So he dropped them back down to 30mg a month ago and I literally feel like I need to be signed into a mental hospital I feel so depressed I'm crying all the time I am so anxious. But the worse part is the feeling that I'm not really here it feels like I have a million people in my head looking and trying to focus on everything that's going on. I'm just on the outside looking in. I am so afraid that I am going insane and that I'm going to be sent to a mental hospital or something. I just feel like I'm never going to be 'normal' again.

09-08-15, 13:20
You're not going insane. Google "citalopram" and "unreal". There are a lot of people out there reporting the same thing.

Tell your doc how you feel. Try a different med or dose if its not working for you. Never just put up with it. If you're not feeling better, change the med.

Prozac was ok for me but I later tried cipralex and was shocked at the different and useless way it made me feel.

You're definitely not going insane ! :)

09-08-15, 19:12
Thank you for the reply hun. I defo need to go back to the docs asap. I've tried fluoxotine before but they didn't help so hopefully I will find something that will

10-08-15, 11:59
Hey, I've had exactly the same thing, I stuck with the citalopram increase and I'm starting to feel a bit better now. I agree get your self back to the docs to discuss it. Are you waiting for any therapy, cbt would really help. Your not going crazy, your just having a really difficult time and you don't have to feel like this forever. Sending hugs x

10-08-15, 12:14
Make an emergency appointment with your gp, you sound in a pretty bad way, and it might be really helpful to get some medical advice. You're not going mad, it sounds like your anxiety is getting on top of you.

Lots of us have been in similar situations, i wish I'd got medical help sooner.

big hugs

12-12-15, 06:14
Hey Shann

I'm sorry to hear about your condition. Anxiety and depression is very unpredictable and sometimes they may attack anytime with no further notice. You mentioned that you are currently taking up citalopram, is that the only treatment measure you are taking?
I urge you to include counseling therapy as well, don't rely on the medication alone.

Also don't think that being in a mental hospital is a bad thing. People tend to misconceive mental health facilities. Being in a mental health facility can actually be very beneficial they have all the necessary equipment to help and the people there are professionally trained to handle mental health issues.

You're not going insane and you will be normal again just do all treatment measures and don't give up. Get all the help and support you can from your relatives and friends and always believe in yourself.