View Full Version : One Week Later...:)

09-08-15, 16:33
Well.... I came off Trazodone a week and two days ago... It made me feel horrible for 5 months. I only took it as l'd had insomnia back in Feb...

Just been a rotten, rotten 5 months, building up on it then a very slow withdrawal.....5 months of not knowing who I was anymore. And these pills were supposed to just help me sleep, which they didn't a lot of the time....

So to today: well I can heave a humongous sigh of relief! I am feeling great! No, more than great, I feel like me again! I was on holiday last week and had a couple of very anxious days, the first 2 nights off Traz I hardly slept, but guess what? I'm back to sleeping 8 hours a night! Naturally!!

Just feel like I've got my life back again!

I know there is a place for medication but I think I was put on this too quickly - I wasn't depressed and not incredibly anxious either - I was urged to stay on it until it worked - it never really worked!!! And then 3 months to come off it!!!

Anyway, I just wanted to update anyone that had been following my story, I'm in a heck of a better place now I'm off meds - never again I hope!!!

09-08-15, 16:57
I'm really pleased to hear that you are feeling so much better, Crystal. Putting you on trazodone was obviously not a good move but you've learned (the hard way) from your experiences and have good ammunition should the GP want to put you back on it at any stage!

09-08-15, 17:05
Thank you Pulisa, yes I'm just so relieved to be off it! Will definitely be going down a more natural route should I need help in the future! Hope you're doing well xx

09-08-15, 18:50
Yes thanks. I also made the decision to come off long term meds recently and am feeling a lot better. Sometimes it's hard to know what to do for the best but I'm very glad that coming off your meds has made you feel so much better.

09-08-15, 19:36
Glad you are doing well :)

09-08-15, 19:52
That's great Pulisa well done to you too! Onwards and upwards xx

Thanks swgrl09! :)

10-08-15, 01:01
This is great news! X

10-08-15, 08:48
That's fantastic news Crystal :yesyes:

10-08-15, 11:19
Thanks guys xx

10-08-15, 11:25
well done for being so patient and coming out the other side crystal

10-08-15, 15:01
Great news!! X

10-08-15, 15:18
Amazing news Crystal, so happy for you,i know what you had to go through and felt sad for you.but as you say,you now have your life back on track again..well done Crystal..good work..x

12-08-15, 06:46
Really pleased for you, Crystal! It must be so frustrating to have gone through all that but at least now you can have a great time each day and know you are going to sleep just fine as you don't have that drug messing you around all the time.


12-08-15, 09:00
Thanks so much for all your replies :) I really am starting to enjoy life again. I'm away again this week and just having a lovely time with no anxiety and great sleeps!

Thank you so much for all your support during my tricky few months, it helped immensely knowing that people could truly empathise with how I felt.

Sending you all happy, healthy and anxiety free vibes!!! Xx

12-08-15, 16:19
This a very encouraging post and one I hope inspires others that one can overcome the spiral of anxiety and related issues. Your persistence, hard work and inner fortitude is paying off!

This is a perfect example of the desire to heal first coming from within and then following through. Sometimes meds are needed as well as therapy but it can be done.

Good going and continued success!

Positive thoughts

12-08-15, 16:38

That really is great news and I bet you feel like a new person. Remember you and you alone achieved this .:hugs:

13-08-15, 09:57
Thank you! :)