View Full Version : DVT or ?

09-08-15, 16:36

why is it when things are going great, problems start and drag you back down.

Started a new job after a long period of illness (bi-polar, PTSD and anxiety) and its going really well, however 2 weeks ago I woke up at 3am with a really bad pain in my right calf, the muscle was solid and it took a few moments to relax, I guessed it was a bad cramp and went back to sleep following morning my calf was still sore, tried to ignore it didnt work.

I went to the doctor, she said it was probably just a muscle problem, there is no swelling no colour changes or tenderness so there is a 99% chance it isnt a DVT my pulses are good so its not a circulation issue.

However its been 2 weeks not and I am still having pain from my leg worse when walking but its aches all the time, I find if I wearing strapping its not as a bad but it can't be right for it too still ache just from a cramp can it? So I am back thinking a dvt or am I missing something?

09-08-15, 16:48
Potentially it can. You may also have had more cramps, that are less noticeable (i.e your calf seizing up).

Have you tried something to relieve the tension? I use a cheap high street version of Heat cream on my trap muscles which are tense and painful from having a desk job and it works wonders.

Believe it or not, paracetamol also does a good job of easing the pain.

Two weeks is a long time when you're worrying 24/7, but in medical terms, it's merely a drop in the ocean.

10-08-15, 18:33
I had pain in my calf not long ago that lasted 2 months. I was so set on the fact I had a dvt I had multiple d dimers done and ultrasounds. Can't even remember how many times I went to the doctors and hospital. No one could tell me what the pain was which I swear made it so much worse. I ended up going to a physical therapist and it turned out to be that I had torn a muscle most likely in my sleep cus I can't think of anything I had done to it.
Just wanted to share that to let you know that yes it can hurt for months but maybe try to see a physical therapist. Doctors aren't really taught to look at the muscles and stuff the way they are so they can pick up on stuff your doctor may miss. And if your leg cramped up that bad it may be possible that you tore something.